5 Easy, Family-Friendly Ways to Make an Impact

 In Articles, Happy Life, Marriage & Family

Be the change you wish to see in the world…

Make a difference…

Get into the spirit of the season…

Have you ever heard these sayings?

The problem with these popular sayings is that if you aren’t putting in the elbow grease to walk them out, they are just nice words.

As the holidays approach, I always try to think about unique ways that my family and I can give back.

I know, I know! How do you really “give back” when you are a mom raising kids, homeschooling, working outside the home, and more?

That was me by the way!

Check out that hair! Truthfully, there were days my hair didn’t see a comb, or shampoo for that matter! Ha!

If that is where you are, it’s okay to be in the middle of a busy season of life.

I know all too well that sometimes it’s not about having the perfect day; it’s about keeping your head above water while managing a flurry of school projects, playgroups, soccer games, and more.

Bottom line: I know it’s easy to lose sight of the things that matter.

But, the good news is it’s just as easy to get back on track! And I want to give you a few tips to get you headed in the right direction.

The Spirit of Giving Is a Lifelong Attitude

Remember, as Christians, we are not just called to be seasonal volunteers. We are called to live for others every day, to be the hands and feet of Jesus, to have love and generosity at the foundation of every choice we make.

Go HERE for Bible verses that address the importance of giving back.

Don’t forget, we have a HIGH calling!

First Timothy 1:5 (ESV) tells us “The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.”

This means that you don’t tune into an attitude of giving when you enter a service opportunity; each service opportunity should just be an extension of the things you do every day.

While some people are signing up to volunteer this holiday season, I want to encourage you to model that heart of giving in your everyday life.

Gary and I make a point of being generous on every occasion, whether it’s in our tithes and offerings or tipping at a restaurant.

But being generous isn’t just about money. There are so many great things we can do to give back, and they don’t have to involve money.

You can also offer the precious gift of your time.

Donating money and purchased items is a great thing, but often a person in need remembers a spirit of love more than anything else!

There’s no better time than the holidays to have a change in perspective.

But in order to really see the meaning behind the cliches, you have to clear that busy schedule, roll up your sleeves, and dive into giving. Tis the season!

That’s why I put together some great FREE ideas to get you going, so you can give back in everyday ways. Here’s some places you could start!

  1. Rake the leaves or shovel the snow of an elderly or disabled neighbor.
  2. Use construction paper or stationery to write holiday cards for soldiers overseas.
  3. Organize a neighborhood charity yard sale.
  4. Participate in or organize community food drives.
  5. Donate gently used items like toys, clothing, or appliances to those in need.

What You Give, You Gather

God gave you talents and unique gifts for serving others.

Maybe it’s your voice, maybe it’s your passion for ministering to little ones, whatever gifts you have been given, God has given them to you expecting you to use them for serving His Kingdom—part of that means serving others.

One of my favorite parts of the Bible is when Jesus washes the feet of the disciples.

This was a job for the servant of the house! But Jesus took on this role and humbly served His friends.

When we put the needs of others before our own needs, we are truly walking out God’s love and sharing His light with others.

Also, when we give to others, we are reminded of how much has been given to us. Let that sink in a little. Read it again:

When we give to others, we are reminded of how much has been given to us. Amen?!

P.S. – Did you know the word “give” is used more than 1,500 times in the Bible?

Luke 6:38 (NIV) tells us “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

God calls us to give, and He is such a good and loving God that He rewards our giving. How specifically?

Well, I’m glad you asked…

  1. Giving allows us to discover our own spiritual gifts.
  2. Serving others allows us to experience the true joy that comes from obedience.
  3. Serving is so good for the body, mind, and spirit because it takes the focus off of ourselves.
  4. Through serving others, we are able to see people as Jesus sees them.
  5. When we serve others, we can experience miracles!
  6. When we serve others, we set an important example for our children. Go HERE to read more about this in my blog, “Why Leading by Example Is So Important.”   

I want to encourage you to give back this holiday season and keep up that effort all year long.

Uh-oh, are the usual excuses popping into your head?

How will I find time?

What would I even do?

Where do I start?

Can I really make a difference?

Look to God’s Word! He knows the answers to all these questions. He will guide you.

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