“I want to help women of God live a life focused on the heart of what matters.”
My passion developed as a lost young woman battling with never feeling “good enough”. I personally understand the struggles that all women experience in today’s society- the teenage girl who is on her newest diet because she wants to be thin, the young mother who is trying to be everything to her husband and kids, and women worldwide who desperately seek love and satisfaction

from a man who does not respect her or see her divinity. I recognize this feeling of inadequacy and loneliness because I, too have been there before. It was at my lowest point that I heard God tell me he loved me, faults and all.
I have seen the deep need for truth in the midst of the lies that are being fed to people everyday. This is not a cry-on-my-shoulder message. I believe we have been victims long enough! This is a challenge, a battle cry, a rant against the Kingdom of Darkness and what it has tried to do for centuries!

Since that transformation, I have had a passion to reach women who find themselves where I once was. My message is one of hope and the secret to elusive ‘perfection’ and ‘wholeness’ women in our society seek within the Kingdom of God.
My passion also lies in helping women understand the joys and fulfillment that abound from being a wife and mother. I know the everyday stresses of wives

and mothers, as well the decisions to get married and have children in this hurting world. I understand the feeling of drowning in piles of laundry or suffocating fear of debt. Although there was a time when I cried out to God that I could “do anything but be a wife and mother,’” I truly believe that women can find the most delight within these powerful close family relationships.

God made women to be the glue that hold a family unit together, and I hope you take on this role with pride! My husband of 37 years, Gary, and I have five kids and ten grandkids! We started a family business and were able to get out of debt. We then started Faith Life Church in New Albany, Ohio. Make sure to check out our daytime talk shows Drenda, as well as a show I co-host with Gary, Fixing the Money Thing. Or grab a copy of one of my books: Nasty Gets Us Nowhere, Shark Proof, The New Vintage Family, Better Than You Think, Better Than You Feel, or She Gets It.
I want people to find answers from God’s Word concerning how to possess passion and purpose during the journey; how to live differently than the darkness; and most importantly, how to GET IT when it comes to living life God’s way.

I would love to connect with you and hear what the Lord is doing in your life!
What awaits for all women:
Happy You
Happy Relationships
Happy Life