5 Ways to Organize and Decorate Your Workspace

 In Articles, Growth, Happy Life

If your desk is barely visible beneath life’s inevitable clutter … and sitting down at your workspace makes you feel overwhelmed instead of calm…
This one’s for you!

Getting organized can seem like a daunting task.

Trust me, I’ve been there. Raising five kids, homeschooling, writing books, and pastoring a church did not give me a lot of time to get my workspace organized, but I was able to get it done by seeing the job as a series of small tasks as opposed to one big job that had to be done in a day.

Sometimes it just seems easier to ignore the rising mounds of clutter than to go through it all, but the time has come to tackle that workstation and get organized!

Your God-given assignment depends on you being effective.

That’s why I want to give you some tips that will help you create a space that will work for you and help you achieve your destiny.

Declutter, Clean, Repeat

They say, “cleanliness is next to godliness” for a reason.

Before you can have some fun with your workspace decor, you have to roll up your sleeves and purge the clutter.

You know the kind of clutter I’m talking about … we all have it! That old stack of bills that needs filing, the magazines you bought and never read, the coupons you meant to clip but let expire…

We all have clutter that builds up—it’s a part of life—but if you don’t take the time to purge your clutter, it will overwhelm your workspace AND your focus.

Let’s be honest. Trying to get work done in the midst of a mess can make creativity next to impossible!

When decluttering, organize the process by making signs and piles like: “save,” “toss,” and “donate.”

Tip: You might also want to consider making a “sell” pile of items that you no longer use. It’s a great way to make some extra money during this process! And the prospect of a little financial gain is a surefire way to add some motivation.
(image: scripture_prints-03.jpg)

Get Creative

Anyone who knows me knows I love, love, love adding my own personal style to any space, and adding your own personality is especially important when it comes to your workspace. That’s where your best ideas happen!

You want to do whatever you can do to make it feel like a comfy, creative area.

Some of the first things I like to add to my workspace are my favorite motivational quotes and Scripture verses. I love to put up a whiteboard or a corkboard where I can write or print out things that inspire me and display them.

To help you get started, try going to Etsy.com and searching for Bible verse wall art. I love anything with flowers, so I target my search for wall art with flowers. You can search for something that matches your style!

Set your eyes on something that will encourage you!

I see so many people that want to leap into their destinies right now, but your destiny is always unfolding, and walking out each step in faith is part of the journey. I know it’s hard to be patient and wait on the promises to show up, but they will! Just stay the course and don’t give up! God is always faithful, and He will deliver what He promised!

I’ve included some graphics in this blog of a few Bible verses that always motivate me:

  • “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9, NIV).
  • “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize” (1 Corinthians 9:24, NIV).
  • “…One thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13-14, NIV).

You can print these out and put them where you will see them daily—your desk, bathroom mirror, or refrigerator! When you are constantly seeing the Word, your circumstances won’t be in charge, you will have control over your emotions, and will be able to trust in God’s vision!

Trust me, when we were living in our nineteenth century farmhouse, with weeds growing through our broken windowpanes, I had Bible verses everywhere! I had to keep my eyes on where I was GOING.

I learned to keep my eyes on the promises, not the problems, and that’s how you’re going to get the win every time!
(image: scripture_prints-02.jpg)

Prioritize Your Work Flow

Another thing I love to do is write out my goals and display them at my desk.

You’ve got to get clear on the vision before you set out to achieve it!

Gary and I have a huge staff of people who work hard to help us carry out our assignment. In fact, most of our children are leaders of that team, and I’m always amazed by how much they accomplish.

Each of them is driven and successful in their own right, but the thing they all have in common is discipline: the ability to see the vision and prioritize their tasks accordingly.

Trust the vision and put it before you.

Pray constantly and ask God to keep the vision clear in your mind. Ask Him how you can start preparing for the next steps. Sometimes it may be tempting to get frustrated with your progress, but God is with you, and He is always preparing you for the next promotion!

Constantly reassess the vision and stay open to God’s will for your life. As things come together, He is going to line up the next part of your assignment.

Tip: Keep the emails, unnecessary calls, and texting to a minimum. They say it takes 25 minutes to refocus after your focus is broken by a distraction. Twenty-five minutes! Checking your email or answering a text might seem like a short, welcome interruption, but it all adds up and will cost you a lot of work time in the end.

Organizing your workspace might seem like a small task and quickly fall to the bottom of your to-do list, but ANY decision, no matter how small it might seem at the time, can impact your destiny in a powerful way!

When I look back at the choices I’ve made, I notice that it’s not always the big decisions that made the biggest difference. Often, it was the small steps that I took every day that made the biggest waves.

I want to encourage you to take the steps that will help you succeed and fulfill your God-given assignment… That’s why I’ve developed the Happy Life Subscription Service!

You’ll have access to every show I’ve ever made, which is over 8,000 minutes of content, as well as so many exclusive resources. I’ve covered as much ground as possible, from parenting and marriage to faith and finances, so I can be your cheerleader, friend, and mentor for every situation and every season of life!

I want to be there every day to encourage you to do the little things that will prepare you for the harvest that I know God is sending your way.

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