Are You Ready to Get Happy?

 In Articles, Growth, Happy Life

Did you know the decisions you make today could impact your entire destiny?
It’s true!

But that doesn’t have to be a big, scary idea. It’s actually an OPPORTUNITY!

Think about it… your decisions are powerful, and yet, so many of us spend a huge amount of time NOT making any decisions at all.

Let me ask you…

Do you hesitate before making a big decision?

When you make a decision, are you afraid of the outcome?

Do you wonder if it’s really possible to live a healthy, happy life?

I used to be the same way! Satan wants to keep you from your assignment. He’s going to try to separate you from God through your fears, insecurities and shame. I lived that way for years, and that’s why I want to do everything I can to help you stop living stuck and scared!

I see so many people who are bound in fear, who think they are “happy” because they’ve learned to live a comfortable life, a life where they’ve compromised on their dreams.

It’s time to wake up!

God didn’t call you to be comfortable, and He didn’t call you to be idle! He called you to be active! God created you to do amazing things and live an amazing life, the kind of life that stands out.

That’s why I created my new mentorship program for people just like you, who are just one decision away from greatness, fearlessness and victory!

You need to run from those oppressive thoughts like your life depends on it! Give it all to God and get back in the game!

> Proverbs 16:20 tells us, “Whoever gives heed to instruction prospers, and blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord.”

If you are ready to tackle your fears and and put all of your trust in the Lord, make the decision today to sign up for the Happy Life Subscription Service.

Let’s go after what God has called you to do together!

John 15: 16 tells us, “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.”

God has already prepared the way for you, but you can’t live your best life and do all of the things God has called you to do if you don’t recognize opportunities for growth and seize them!

I created the Happy Life Subscription Service with YOU in mind. I want to see you succeed and fulfill your God-given assignment, which is why I’ve tailored the content to fit your unique and changing needs, whether it’s parenting, marriage, healing, faith, finances, and more. I’ve covered as much ground as possible so you can have a cheerleader, friend and mentor for every situation and every season of life.

You’ll have access to every show I’ve ever made, which is over 8,000 minutes of content, as well as so many exclusive resources. The best part is, you can take it with you wherever you go!

To get started, go to and take the FREE happiness quiz! This fun, easy quiz will allow me to tailor the content to meet your specific needs. I will also provide personal mentorship for you based on the areas you want to know about the most.

I can’t wait to embark on this incredible journey with you!

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