Do You Feel Disqualified for Your Dreams?

 In Articles, Growth, Happy Life

“If satan can make you feel like you are missing something that God has already given you, he can replace it with a counterfeit.” -Pastor Amy Freudiger

There were so many amazing messages like this at the 2018 Love Encounter Women’s Conference! It was an honor to hear from such anointed women of God like Dr. Diana Morgan, Star Parker, and my daughters, Pastor Amy Freudiger, Pastor Polly Patton, and Kirsten McKinney! We heard incredible messages about how to deal with difficult people, our self-identity, not being a chicken, relying on God and not the Government, and so much more!

A young woman named Brooke even got proposed to right on our stage! She said “YES!”

But throughout all the messages we heard, was the message of the Father’s heart to all of His daughters, which is, “I have qualified you, I have equipped you. You are enough, and you are loved by Me!”

It is so vital that we take time to be in God’s presence so that He can dust us off, shift our perspective, and remind us who we are and WHOSE we are!

If satan can get us to believe that we are lacking in an area–that we aren’t enough–then we will fall for whatever lie he sends our way!

We live in a world full of messages and advertising traps that can be so appealing, but are designed to serve as a counterfeit for true identity and security, should we believe the lie that this world holds something that will fulfill, affirm, or satisfy us.

Trust me, I know how challenging it can be not to run to SOMETHING that will make you temporarily feel better when faced with self-doubt and fear, but those temporary solutions only work to deepen the insecurities that you may feel.

I love what Pastor Amy said at the conference, “The only way we can find our identity is to go to the Identity-Giver.”

In order to know and stand in our identities as children of God, we must look in the mirror of God’s Word to show us who we are and what we have; otherwise we will be like the person James 1:23-24 talks about who, “Looking in the mirror, observes himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.”  (See full verse here)

Let us be a generation of women and men who not only have our identities firmly planted in who our Heavenly Father says we are, but who go into the world and pull others out of the prison of insecurity, comparison, and self-hatred!

Here is a link to a short message around this topic that I taught on my show.

We have already received so many awesome testimonies from women at the 2018 Love Encounter Women’s Conference about being free from sadness, downheartedness, pride, and shame, and experiencing freedom and peace! Praise God!

One woman said she was, “Cured from sadness and downheartedness. All the happiness cured my depression!” Another said, “I experienced such rest and peace! I received prayer and came out from under pride and shame!”

And these are only a few testimonies that we received!

And GOOD NEWS: all sessions from this AMAZING conference are available in: CD, DVD, USB!

One of the my favorite parts of the conference was giving everyone a first look at my new book, Shark Proof: How to Deal with Difficult People. It’s coming out at the beginning of 2019! I can’t wait to tell you all about it!

It is always such a special time getting to honor our Woman of the Year!


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