God has a Plan for You!

 In Articles, Growth, Happy Life

God has a plan for you! His plan for your life is so much better than the counterfeit picture of success our culture is trying to sell! 

We live in a world where we are told what to strive for, what to believe in, and how to think about things. Don’t let the culture convince you that its way is better than God’s way. You will never be satisfied! 


The Culture’s Plan 

We live in a broken world full of sin and hurt. Our culture thinks it has the answer. It sells us the latest ideas, trends, clothes, and lifestyles. It tells us who to believe and what to think. Media influences us through TV, music, books, and even ads. 

The culture is always trying to sell us the next big thing. From the newest styles to the latest parenting trends, our culture has an opinion about everything. But the culture is constantly changing! Its ideas of what is best are continually shifting to fit the latest lifestyle, and it becomes impossible to keep up. 


God’s Plan 

God’s plan for you is so good! He knows you better than anyone else, even better than you know yourself. And He didn’t create you to live an average, okay life. He has so much in store for you! It makes sense that our Creator knows what is best for us. But when we lose sight of who God is, we may start to think we know ourselves better.  


For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Psalm 139:13-14 (NIV)


God’s plan never changes! While the world is always changing its ideologies, beliefs, and standards, the Bible is constant. God has laid out His standards in the Bible. His rules aren’t to keep us from living a fun and exciting life, but they are meant to protect us from harm. And when we mess up, there is always forgiveness! No matter what you’ve done, God will always accept you and forgive you. He loves you for who you are! There is nothing you need to do to earn His love.

As a mom, I had to discipline my children when they were growing up. If they wanted to do something that would hurt them, I would tell them “no.” I did this because I loved them and cared about them, not because I wanted to keep them from having fun! If you are a parent, I’m sure you have been in similar situations. Just because your child wants to do something in the moment doesn’t mean they should. Or sometimes, I would encourage my children to step out of their comfort zones and to pursue one of their gifts. They might have been nervous, but as a parent, I was able to see the gift God gave them and encourage them to develop it. Just as we mentor and guide our children on Earth, our Heavenly Father plays a parental role in our lives. He tells us “no” sometimes to things we think we want because He knows they will cause pain later on. Similarly, God sometimes leads us to things we don’t want to do. Maybe we feel unqualified or intimidated, but He knows it’s a critical step we need to take in order to reach our destinies.

Like any good parent, God will push us out of our comfort zones and help us grow in our confidence in Him. 


How to Get There

God’s plan is better than the world’s. But how do you get on the path God has for you? How do you discover your identity in Christ? 


Give the control back to God.

The first step in following God’s plan is to give the control back to Him. Until we submit to God and are willing to follow His lead, we won’t be able to walk out the plan He has for us. We need to put God back in the driver’s seat. Why keep control if you don’t like where you’re headed? It’s intimidating to surrender wholeheartedly to God’s plan, but I promise you it’s worth it!


Learn His voice. 

As believers, we have the Holy Spirit in us to guide us! Learn to hear God’s voice. 

Spend time reading the Word of God. When you dwell on the Word of God, you’ll begin to understand the tone of His voice. You’ll see what He has said over the years and what He says about you in His Word. 

The more time you spend in the Word, the better you will recognize God’s voice when He speaks. Think about the last time your best friend called you on the phone. Would you have identified their voice without caller ID? Most likely! If you talk to your friend consistently, you’ll recognize their voice without seeing their name or their face. Similarly, the more time you spend with God and reading His Word, the easier it will be to recognize His leading when He speaks to you! It may not be an audible voice, but you will be able to discern where the Holy Spirit is leading you. 


Step out in faith. 

You may have all the proper head knowledge, but you won’t experience God’s plan for your life until you decide to walk it out. God will lead you to your destiny, but you have to follow Him when you have spent time in His Word. 

It’s worth the risk! It may seem scary to step out of your comfort zone, but it will always be worth it. Saying “yes” to God is always the right decision! You will end up in a better place than you started. And when things get tough, don’t throw in the towel. It’s not going to be easy all the time, but keep fighting. There is an enemy who is after you. Satan does not want to see you walking in God’s plan! But as a believer, you don’t have to fear the enemy’s schemes because the victory is already yours in Christ! Start pursuing the path God has for you today! 


Get my latest book, Nasty Gets Us Nowhere: Women and Men Succeeding Together, HERE to learn more about the purpose God has for your life! 

To learn more about living a happy life, read my The Secret to a Happy Life… It’s Not What You Think! blog HERE

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