How a Bicycle Taught Me Bravery

 In Articles, Growth, Happy Life

As you might know, my youngest daughter, Kirsten, just got married! ????

All our preparations paid off because it was a beautiful ceremony and celebration.

After planning and preparing for the wedding, I am sitting in a chair right now with my feet up and ice on my back. Ha!

Now that the wedding is behind us and our youngest child has flown the coop, I can’t help but think about change.

I have experienced a lot of change in my life, from starting a ministry with my husband, Gary, to raising and homeschooling five children ????, to transitioning into a role as a grandmother, to six grandbabies.

Change is such an interesting thing, because how we choose to navigate change can really make or break us.

As I sit here with sore feet and a house full of dirty dishes and wedding decor, and think about this next phase of life as an “empty-nester,” I want to help YOU walk through any changes you might be facing.

I want to share some personal experiences with you that have helped me stay strong ???? when seasons of life have changed.

Believing for the Victory  

Gary and I love having adventures together; and a few years ago, we traveled to Lake Tahoe, California, to do a 100-mile tandem bike ride. ????‍♂️

What’s that? Did we have to train a lot?


When we arrived, there were all these super serious people gearing up. As we were in line waiting to register, a young man asked me what our training schedule was like.

When I kind of flinched and admitted we hadn’t trained much, he chuckled and muttered, “You’ll never make it.”

???? I’m pretty sure steam started pouring out of my ears. Before he talked to me, I was so excited, and then I was angry, and then… fear began to creep in.

This man’s words had put doubts in my mind:

Maybe we couldn’t do this.

Maybe I had been foolish to think we could.

Maybe I was going to let Gary down.

Man, this stranger had really rained on my parade! Ever have to deal with someone like this?

I tell this story a lot because it really shows how quickly someone else’s junk, like doubt and negativity, can become yours—but only if you let it.

I had a choice in that moment: accept this stranger’s doubts as truth or stand on my faith and believe God for the victory.

God is our champion; captain of our team, and He is undefeated!

Gary and I prayed and asked God to take us to the very end of the 100-mile course. I’m not going to lie to you: IT WAS HARD!

But we didn’t give up, even when we had to slow down and bicycle at a turtle-like speed!  ????

Hey! You know the saying…. slow and steady wins the race! Well, we DID finish our race. God brought us through it because we prayed, believed for the victory, and acted in faith.

Seasons change, but that doesn’t mean our faith should!

Every obstacle teaches us spiritual endurance, so don’t greet the obstacles or the doubters with fear and believe the lie that you will be defeated!

God has already given you the victory in ALL things. He wants you to succeed and reach your destiny; He wants you to run your race and win! And he has given you all the tools to get you to the finish line. Amen!

If you are waiting for life to slow down and give you a minute to adjust…

Hold on… ????

Just a minute….

Tears in my eyes now.


You’re going to be waiting for forever!

When you see a big wave coming toward you in the ocean, do you just stand there and get clobbered, or do you turn around and ride it?

Trust that you are safe and well cared for by a Father who loves you, and wants to see you having fun as you leap from destination to destination.

Our lives are changing all the time. Mine just changed AGAIN!

But here I sit, sipping coffee, resting, and feeling so grateful that I have five beautiful children, six amazing grandbabies, and more adventures and blessings yet to come.

If your circumstances seem like too much to handle, then pray and ask God to infuse His power into your circumstances. You might not have the energy or the attitude to get through the change that’s headed your way, but GOD always does!

Okay, I’m going to pray for the energy to get out of this chair and clean the house.

Come to think of it, I’ve been raising children for over 30 years; I deserve a little break. ???? Feet going back up on the ottoman.

I promise I’m a productive human being most of the time!

We are all human, and God loves us whether we are dog-tired and resting in a recliner or busy as a bee.

When you’ve been going and going and are about to give up, give yourself grace. Try to sit still every day and just let God love on you.

So many people think the victory exists on the other end of the finish line, but I believe every step you take in faith is a major victory.

I want you to know I am always cheering you on and believing great things for you.

God created YOU to live an amazing life. Don’t let fear get in the way of your purpose.

Be brave.

Stand on God’s Word.

Don’t give up!

I believe in you. ????


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