Struggling in Your Marriage? What You Need to Do – Part Two

 In Articles, Happy Life, Marriage & Family

If you’re married, you have a target on your back. So, what should you do if you’re struggling in your marriage?

Start by reading Part One here.

3. Close Any Open Doors.
If there are destructive situations in your family, there’s an open door somewhere through which Satan is entering, coming to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). Destruction is not God’s plan for you or your marriage. Ask God to help you identify any open doors so you can slam them shut.

After Joshua defeated the mighty fortress of Jericho in Joshua 6, he sent only a few thousand men to take the small city called Ai. What Joshua didn’t know was that a man in his army had opened a door to the enemy after the battle of Jericho (Joshua 7:1). His army was defeated at Ai because a man named Achan had sinned by keeping a devoted thing.

When Joshua asked God why he had lost men, God told him that sin had opened the door to make them “liable to destruction.”

Make the decision not to accept compromise anywhere in your life and close the door to destruction.

4. Stand on the Word and Speak It.
Satan wants to get your attention off the Word of God and back on your circumstances. He wants you to sink. All things are possible to those who believe, but if Satan can get you off of agreement with God’s Word, the power of God is cut off from your life.

People don’t realize that God already gave them the keys of the Kingdom, and they are always releasing the Kingdom through their words. “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” (Matthew 18:18).

5. Remember Who You Should Be Fighting.
Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that our enemy is not flesh and blood, but the rulers of the darkness of this world. No matter what you’re dealing with in your marriage, don’t forget that.

Keep meditating on the words of this prayer:


In the Name of Jesus I come to you on behalf of and I ask you to cut off any worldly influences that are affecting my husband and his love for you, as well as his love for me. I bind any forces of darkness that are clouding his vision and pray his eyes are open to see You and hear Your Voice. If he has opened any doors to wrongful associations or pornography, I pray those strongholds be broken off of him in Jesus’ Name.

As his wife, we are one, so I exercise spiritual authority to resist all satanic attacks against his mind, will, emotions, and body. Father, help him shut doors to the enemy and open his heart to receive your love, forgiveness and grace. Help him make right decisions concerning your plans for our life and marriage. I thank you for helping him see the truth. Give him a desire to follow you. Help him turn to you with his problems and seek your answers.

Father, help me as his wife to love him and show him respect. Since the wife is the glory of her husband, I ask you to help me bring honor to him and to esteem him the way you see him. Help me to present myself in such a way spirit, soul and body that it would make him honored to be my husband. Help me to be the wife he needs in this time and to grow in my trust in you and in our relationship. I can’t change him so I release him to you, but I can work on myself to become the best person I can be for you and the best wife I can be to honor my love for him.

I pray that this difficult time will become a time of spiritual renewal for us both that will result in a stronger walk with you and a more beautiful marriage between us. Rekindle our love and renew our purpose as a couple.

I trust you, God and I refuse to allow fear, worry, self-pity or anger to control me but instead I choose to rest in you and to work on the areas you show me. Give me wisdom to love him without words and demonstrate my faith by my actions. Help me become his companion, lover, and encourager. Help him rely on you and believe your promises for our life, marriage and finances in Jesus’ Name.

I am full of joy and peace as I trust in you and grow in grace as a woman of God. I am loved. I am accepted and complete in you. My worth and identity are in you. I am free. I trust confidently in you. I am not alone. You never leave me or forsake me. I can do all things through Christ because you strengthen me. Strength and dignity are my clothing!

I speak words of life over my husband, our marriage, our family, and myself! God’s grace is sufficient to see me through this time. I believe I receive it now in Jesus’ Name!

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