This Love Story Is Better Than Hallmark

 In Articles, Happy Life, Marriage & Family

My husband, youngest daughter, Kirsten, and I created a new Christmas tradition when the older kids moved out of the house. Gary builds a nice, warm fire in the fireplace, and we sit, lit only by our Christmas tree and the flicker of flames, watching Hallmark Christmas movies together.

With all of the garbage that’s on TV, we love being able to watch something that’s family-friendly and feel-good!

Within the first five minutes, we know how the movie is going to resolve… but somehow, as it all comes together at the end, our heart is filled with the warm, loving feeling that reminds us of Christmas. 

Perhaps these movies are so popular because they embody what many people are searching for: love, companionship, and hope.

People often tell us Christmas should be the happiest time of the year, full of warm memories, Christmas cheer, and quality time with friends and family… but for many people, the holidays can serve as a reminder that they aren’t happy with their lives, or that they don’t have anyone to celebrate with.

According to the Mental Health Charity Mind, one in ten young adults between the ages of 25-34 said they had no one to spend Christmas with.

Out of all Twelve Emotions of Christmas, the twelfth one can be the most detrimental.

It’s loneliness. 

I know what it feels like to watch everyone else living this “picture-perfect” lifestyle while you’re at home watching Netflix. Or that everyone has somebody except you.

Danger. Danger. Social media is not the place for you right now!

You might feel all alone this Christmas season: misunderstood, forgotten, or even worthless. It’s okay if you feel that way. There’s good news!

You are a part of a real life love story, and it’s better than any Hallmark movie.

You don’t have to go through life alone.

Maybe the people in your life do undervalue you, or don’t seem to understand your needs. Maybe a man in your life walked out on you…

Maybe you feel like nobody could ever love you…

Maybe you feel like you’re the “Scrooge” this holiday season.

No matter what you are feeling, I want to encourage you.

Titus 3:4-7 (NIV) say, “But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.”

Did you know that one man is so madly in love with you He gave EVERYTHING he had for you? His reputation, His career, and even His life?

You don’t have to feel lonely when you understand how much you’re loved!

HERE are some awesome Bible verses to remind you how much you are loved and adored by God. Read. Read. Read. The Word of God is your weapon against the attacks of the enemy!

Jesus loves you for YOU.

Jesus knew every mistake you were ever going to make. He knew your deepest, darkest secrets, and He knew your most embarrassing moments. He knew what you look like with no makeup on, dressed in your favorite sweatpants and oversized T-shirt.

He saw it all, and His response was simple: “I love you so much I never want to be apart from you! I’ll do whatever it takes to make that happen—even if it costs my life to be with you forever.”

It’s the ultimate love story!

This very moment, Jesus is thinking about YOU, about how much He loves you.

He is a gentleman, and He’s constantly pursuing and wooing you toward a closer relationship with Him.

It doesn’t matter how many followers or friends you have on social media, or whether you’re in a relationship or not.

If you look to other people for your identity, you will always be disappointed.

There will be times when we fall short of the expectations of others, and especially the expectations we put on ourselves. Even Jesus had one disciple betray Him and another deny Him, and He was perfect. We’re not. We can’t find our identities in our performance; we can only find them in God.

You are wonderfully made, loved, created with purpose, forgiven, and accepted.

To learn more about making your emotions work for you, go HERE and check out my book, Better Than You Feel. I want you to live your best life!

You are loved. You are valuable.

Jesus set your value at the highest price when He gave His life for you. And no matter how anyone else perceives you, you can hold your head up high knowing that there was one man who was willing to give everything for you!

The perfect, unconditional love of God is the ultimate gift!

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).


Are you ready to get HAPPY? God has an incredible plan for your life, but it starts with discovering your joy in His presence. Embark on a journey toward a happier you today by ordering my weekly devotional, The Happy Life: Notes from God HERE!

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