You have the authority!

 In Articles, Faith, Happy Life

Are you ready to discover your purpose in life? 

A lot of Christians know the promises of God. They go to church every weekend and quote the right Scripture verses, but the promises of God are not visible in their lives. 

Why is this? 

The church loves to sing and praise God for the victory in Jesus. But once we get beyond the four walls of the church, we lose sight of that victory. We start living in defeat instead of taking territory for the Kingdom of God. And before we can take territory and move, we need to understand where we are going. 


Understanding your authority 

Are you using your authority as a believer? As children of God, we have authority. We no longer have to bow to fear. 

God wants to see you prosper! 

John 10:10 (NIV) says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” 

I often see believers focusing on the first part of this verse. They get caught up in fighting the enemy. Christians are quick to acknowledge that Satan is here to steal, kill, and destroy. They know he is evil, but they don’t understand their authority. 

Satan is defeated. You don’t need to live in fear of what he might do. His threats are empty when you understand your authority in Christ. God wants to see His children succeeding. Jesus didn’t come so that we could make it to Friday each week. He didn’t come for us to survive; He came for us to experience life to the full. 

Satan doesn’t want you to understand your authority. If he can convince you he is a threat, he can keep you bound by fear. Don’t fall for his lies! Understand your rights as a child of God and a citizen in His Kingdom. 

You have been given the authority; use it! Don’t sit around waiting for Satan to stop fighting. Stand up! Put on the armor of God, use what He has given you, and start living in freedom. 


God will give you direction 

To see the promises of God active in your life, you need instruction. Having a vision of what God is calling you toward is a great start, but you need some details before taking action. You need to understand what steps to take if you are ever going to reach your destiny. 

In order for the walls of Jericho to come tumbling down, Joshua needed a plan. Before he went to take the city, Joshua had the details. Joshua 6 starts with a clear strategy of how the Israelites were to go about conquering Jericho. They were to walk around the city once a day for six days and seven times with trumpets on the seventh day. And on the seventh day, Jericho’s walls fell, and the Israelites took the city, just like God said. 

God gave Joshua a clearly defined plan. If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll never arrive. When you seek God, He will provide you with the details. He will give you a plan with clear instruction. You need details! 


Walk out God’s plan 

God has a good plan for your life. Satan is defeated. His power is gone. And if God is for you, who can be against you? 

God’s plan might sound out of the ordinary, but He’s not going to leave you. Who would expect the walls of a city to fall after marching around it? As long as you are following God, He will continue to show up and make a way. Abraham had to trust the promises of God even when it seemed unlikely. God promised him a child when his wife was past her childbearing years. What seemed impossible became a reality with the Lord. 

God has an extraordinary destiny for you. He will give you the instructions you need just as He gave Joshua the details to take the city of Jericho. Don’t miss out on the grand plan God has for you! 

God will show up. Trust His plan and walk it out! 


Do you understand your authority? In my husband, Gary’s, The Walls Are Down! series, he shares how you can utilize your authority as a child of God, live past fear, and discover the path to your destiny. Click HERE to get your copy. 


To learn more, click HERE to read my blog Finding Peace During Unrest.

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