College Campus Violence: When the Right to Protest Takes an Ugly Turn

 In Articles, Drenda On Guard, Education

Children deserve safe places where they can learn, develop skills, make friends, and grow. Many years ago, schools used to be that place. 

Now, most schools seem only to be places where children are indoctrinated, and violence is occurring more and more. Many schools have seen a drastic, violent, and downright diabolical downturn in the last few years. The LGBTQ+ agenda is everywhere children turn, and violent acts on campuses have increased. Our children are under attack more than ever.

This includes our adult children, those who leave their families to go off to college, believing they’ll better themselves and set themselves up for successful futures. College students, young adults, and those who are heading out into the world for the first time are often the most vulnerable and need the most guidance. Many colleges and universities take advantage of their vulnerable state by pushing agendas, curriculums, and clubs that fly in the face of God, encouraging students not just to shun Him from their day-to-day lives but to argue against His Word and truth.

Violence has also become prevalent on college campuses, especially in the last several weeks. 

It began around April 28 when Pro-Palestinian protests started to break out on university campuses around the country, from Columbia University to MIT and Yale.  They brandish signs and set up encampments to make them harder to ignore while disregarding school administrations’ orders to clear out. The protesters have made it clear that they are not welcoming to Jewish students, whether they’re Jewish by blood or religion.

They have been attacked verbally, emotionally, and even physically, and students have expressed fear of not just attending classes but even of being SEEN on campus. It has come to the point where, in the words of CNN reporter Jordan Valinskiny, “Rabbi Elie Buechler, a rabbi associated with Columbia University’s Orthodox Union Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus, sent a WhatsApp message to a group of about 300 mostly Orthodox Jewish students ‘strongly’ recommending they return home and remain there.”

Student protestors have refused to listen and have become violent when engaging with others, such as student journalists. Students report being gassed and assaulted by protesters. These violent protests have continued for weeks, despite over 100 protestors being arrested and charged with criminal trespassing. 

What is it these students are after? What are they trying to do? What is it they want to accomplish? Surely, these protesters have a goal that they believe can only be achieved through these violent, unethical, or even just inconvenient tactics, right?

CNN and their reporters say, “Pro-Palestinian protesters at Columbia said they won’t disperse until the school agrees to cut ties with Israeli academic institutions and commits to a ‘complete divestment’ of its funds from entities connected to Israel, among other demands. Protesters at other campuses are making similar demands, calling on campuses to divest from companies that sell weapons, construction equipment, technology services, and other items to Israel.” These actions would not only cripple the Israeli economy, government, and infrastructure but also would cause the death of countless men, women, and children who are not involved in the conflict or war in any way. 

And yet, these students continue to act under the guise of their rights to protest and their freedom of speech. While we have a Constitution that allows for the right to protest and the right to freedom of speech, it makes no room for violence, threats, or slander. So many people tend to forget this, especially when these acts seem to benefit them and their agendas. 

How do we support people during these times? How do we as the church step up and step out to embrace our Jewish brothers and sisters? How can we get involved, stand together, and stand as warriors for God to make a better future possible?

One way, especially for those young Christian adults who are attending colleges, is to reach out. Ask Jewish friends and classmates how you can support them. Stand beside them as they’re going through this difficult and potentially frightening time. Represent God well, and, who knows, you may get an opportunity to talk to them about Jesus!

For others, pray for Israel and for our nation! Pray Psalm 122:6 (NIV), a personal favorite: “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May those who love you be secure.” Be vigilant in your prayers, stand strong, and unite! Remember, “our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 6:12, NIV).

Stay strong, warriors! We’re in the end times, but we will not let the times end us! We were made in the image of God, and so we will fight like the warriors in God’s army we are! 



Jordan Valinsky, “What We Know about the Protests Erupting on College Campuses Across America,” CNN,, April 25, 2024.

Hadas Gold, “Student Journalists Assaulted, Others Arrested as Protests on College Campuses Turn Violent,” CNN, MSN,

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