God Is the Author and Finisher of Your Dreams

 In Articles, Faith, Happy Life

“For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:11-13, ESV).

Years ago, I had such big dreams for my life and such a big vision for all the things I wanted to accomplish. I wanted to be a T.V. newscaster, business owner, and MORE, but when I gave my life to Jesus, I thought that meant that I would have to give all that up. I thought God had a totally different plan for my life.

Guess what?

Not only did ALL my dreams come true, but also God took me above and beyond what I thought was possible!

God wants to do the same for you.

Sometimes we think that our dreams have to stay dreams when we give our lives to Christ. I want you to be assured that God is the author and finisher of our dreams! He created you to live an amazing life, a life of purpose and passion. He gave you amazing dreams, so you could see them fulfilled!

If you have dreams that you have packed away because you thought they would never happen, dust them off and place them at God’s feet. Maybe your dreams have been on hold because you have been working in your own strength and not looking to God for His strength. Whatever dreams you have for your life, God has placed them inside you, but you need to seek His help to see them come true.

In Matthew 19:26 (NIV), Jesus tells us, *“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible!”

In Jesus, you have a friend, counselor, and advocate who wants to partner with you in every decision you make. You can soar to greater heights with the Lord by your side! I know this because I saw it happen in my own life time and time again.

For every locked door, God has a key. For every roadblock you see, God will make a way. Jesus did not come to take our dreams but to make them possible! Pursuing your God-designed calling is the only real way to live a happy life. Live the life He created you to live. I want that for you and so does God!

God, give life to my dreams again. Instead of worrying about whether or not they are possible and how they will happen, help me to prepare myself for receiving them. Help me to trust that amazing things will come my way when I trust in you. Amen!

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