How the New World Order Will Hurt All of Us

 In Articles, Drenda On Guard, Government

Gary and I travel consistently and have contacts all over the world. For years, I have been tipped off about the future agendas coming to America by observing Canada, Europe, New Zealand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Africa.

While recently traveling in Europe, I was surprised when face recognition was required to be my “boarding pass.” There was no paper boarding pass or scanning a QR code from my phone—my face was the entry. It was eerie as one by one we stepped in front of a screen, saw our faces appear on their security screen, and then heard the ding of acceptance or, as happened to a few outside of our party, a buzzer rejecting the person’s admittance and then seeing them promptly removed to face scrutiny (pun intended).

While in France, I entered a ZARA store and had my clothes in hand to try on in the dressing room. Before admittance, I was asked to stand in front of a mirror that scanned my face and the items I had in my hands. While I was changing clothes, I heard a fight break out between the clerk who was “guarding” the dressing room and a mother who was not allowed to accompany her daughter to give her opinion as her daughter tried on clothing items. The mother was furious, and they left the store. There is no room for mothers or their opinions in a digital world.

When I approached the checkout, there was no individual attendant. My purchases were already added and waiting for my payment option as I laid them on the counter. My husband and I were expected to remove all the electronic tags from the clothes with the store’s device, a new training experience for us. As we did that, I discovered the machine had charged me for items I had handed back to an attendant on the way to the checkout. When I reported this to the attendant (guard) on duty, it turned into a crisis. She didn’t know what to do! The machine had failed to recognize I no longer had the items. No one seemed to know how to remove the items from my cart.

In a moment of unsettling pressure, I agreed just to go ahead and purchase the $100 worth of items rather than continue to wait and face their scrutiny. I learned there seems to be no room for human decision or judgment in a peopleless, cashless world!

After leaving with my purchase, we entered a McDonald’s, and it was the same scenario—all electronic, personless. It occurred to me that I would not be able to travel or buy food or clothes in this cashless, personless system if someone didn’t want me to have the “privilege.”

I couldn’t help but see the parallel between this and voting electronically without paper ballots. Do you remember how we were told our election using electronic systems was the safest, most secure election? Here we go again, except this time it’s your money!

Let’s look at the same computer tech used to affect elections and see how this is increasingly being used to impact your money and drive agendas that align with the New World Order a.k.a. The Great Reset/ Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Professor J. Alex Halderman has made a career of studying electronic voting security. His research has changed the concept of stolen elections from theory to reality.

I know America’s voting machines are vulnerable,” J. Alex Halderman firmly stated, pausing to lift his head from the page he read to look up at a phalanx of U.S. senators, “because my colleagues and I have hacked them—repeatedly—as part of a decade of research studying the technology that operates elections and learning how to make it stronger.”

It’s not hyperbole to say a shudder swept through that August meeting room in the Hart Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C., as Halderman delivered a much-rehearsed line at the onset of a six-minute statement. Until the U-M computer science professor began his testimony before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence in June 2017, the idea of a hacked American election felt to many lawmakers like a still-theoretical notion. Other technologists and elections integrity experts had warned members of Congress in such formal settings about abstract vulnerabilities, but state officials and election machine vendors had repeatedly insisted they had it all under control.

Halderman has little patience for such coddling. That his voting machine intrusions took place in laboratories rather than live elections made his message no less alarming to the committee.

“We’ve created attacks that can spread from machine to machine like a computer virus and silently change election outcomes,” Halderman continued. “We studied touch screens and optical scan systems.” Then, emphasizing each next word with a staccato delivery and direct eye contact, he stated: “And in every single case, we found ways for attackers to sabotage machines and to steal votes. These capabilities are certainly within reach for America’s enemies.”

After the aforementioned decade of warning lawmakers about the dangers posed by the machinery of U.S. elections, Halderman, 37, had delivered his message directly to the country’s most powerful people. Since then, he has returned to the Capitol routinely to chat with legislators and their staff as Congress passed $380 million in funding for states to modernize their equipment and security practices. In addition, Sen. Richard Burr, the chair of the committee Halderman testified before, sought his input into an election reform package that, as of press time, has yet to be introduced. 1

It’s interesting that even with Congressional demonstrations and warnings, electronic voting machines have become accepted for voting, alongside a pandemic with out-of-control mail-in ballots, ballot harvesting, and video footage of people stuffing ballot drop off boxes at 3:00 a.m. Instead of addressing the dangers presented with electronic voting, did they choose to use the information to carry out the unimaginable? Fraud.

Imagine if these electronic scenarios involved a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and your money. We are already hearing the legacy media tout the safety of a central digital currency. Tell that to Chinese citizens given poor social credit scores that are used to prohibit their travel and purchases, or to the Canadian truckers who had their bank accounts frozen when they didn’t agree with their government.

Our ministry recently received this letter from a minister in Uganda we have financially supported for over 20 years:

Dear Pastor,

The American Government slapped a number of sanctions on Uganda some time ago because our President signed the anti-homosexuality bill into law… Then yesterday, the World Bank in New York sanctioned Uganda, too, for the same reason of anti-homosexuality.

Now, our economy is under painful and unbearable sanctions.

Inflation is going up so rapidly while our economic lives are getting so painful every day.

Please, remember to put us in your prayers as we go through these very painful
economic times.

We cannot disregard or ignore those at the World Economic Forum and other globalists like Blackrock’s Larry Fink, who wish to bring all businesses and the financial system into ESG (Equity, Social, Governance) as a determination of winners and losers (i.e., who gets a loan or is denied) by using DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion). 2 The folks involved in this scheme will say it’s not political, but any fool can see that it is purely political. If you disagree with their equity or diversity definition, (code for LGBTQ agendas), then you get a low score. If you don’t embrace and support their social agendas, including gender transitions for youth, their governance rules and regulations, and the green agendas spelled out in Agenda 2030, they can decide you or your business don’t qualify and you don’t get the loan, the contract, the promotion, etc.

Learn more about the New World Order. Watch “We Must Stop the NWO” on Drenda on Guard now.

Excerpted from Drenda’s new book, They Are Coming for Your Children: The Fight We Must Win! Order your copy today!

1. Steve Friess, “Hacking the Vote: It’s Easier Than You Think,” Alumni Association of the University of Michigan,, fall 2018

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