How to Find Peace in Every Season

 In Articles, Growth, Happy Life

As I sit here and watch the Spring flowers start to bloom around our yard, I can’t help but daydream of the summer months ahead. As a southern girl, I am not a big fan of winter or the cold weather…

BUT I do think winter is a good, if not a somewhat frustrating, reminder that there are different seasons of life, and it’s unwise to try and force events into seasons in which they don’t really belong.

For example, what would happen if I ran outside in the dead of winter in my swimsuit and flip-flops and tried to mow the grass?

People might think I’m insane. ?

I know, the picture it paints is pretty crazy, but life gets crazy when we try to force our timing on things, instead of waiting for things to unfold in God’s perfect timing.

It’s so important to wait for God to move.

That’s why I want to give you a few essential tips that I’ve learned over the years about finding peace in whatever season you are in.

When you have tough days, lean on the Lord, and focus on His Word. He put you right where you are, and He will help you through any obstacle you are facing. ??

Isaiah 40:31 tells us, “but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

It’s so much easier to have peace every day when you trust in God and believe that you are right where you are meant to be.

To learn more about finding peace in every season by hearing God’s voice, go HERE for my FREE teaching.


Can We Really Have It All?

I am going to tell you something that is very opposite to the culture, and it’s this: You weren’t meant to have it all, at least not all at once.

I know! I know! Not a popular opinion, but hear me out!

You were meant to have it all, but everything has its appointed season.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 tells us “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.”

Timing is everything.

Have you ever rushed out the door in a flurry, dropping keys, spilling coffee because you couldn’t find the to-go cup with the lid, wondering if you unplugged the curling iron and praying you did because you don’t have the time to check? ?

Rushing your morning will be just like rushing God’s plan for you. You will be frazzled, frustrated, and kicking yourself for not planning better.

Sometimes when we find ourselves trying to rush God’s plan, it’s because of a trust issue.

“When’s it going to happen?”

“Come on God.”

“I can’t wait much longer.”

This kind of thinking will wear you out, but trusting in the Lord will renew your mind.

Often, God uses times of waiting to grow your faith and mature you.

FYI, God is not going to deliver His promises early just because you ask. ?

Be okay with not knowing. God knows!

For more amazing Bible verses on waiting for God, go HERE.


Be Wary of Envying Someone Else’s Harvest

You may be getting married, becoming a new mom, or taking on a full-time job for the first time in years. We are all living in different seasons.

When you are in a season of planting ? and preparing, it might be tempting to look at your neighbor, who is in a season of harvesting, and feel envious.

James 3:16 tells us For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.”

Remember, they had to go through different seasons, too, seasons of planting and waiting.

Use someone else’s harvest as encouragement that YOU, TOO, WILL REAP WHAT YOU ARE SOWING!

When you try to rush what God has already promised, you are living in fear, and fear will lead to chaos.

Instead, go to God.

Get into His presence daily. 

Set your eyes on God’s Word, on His promises.

If God has promised it in His Word, He will deliver it!

Go HERE for an amazing FREE resource that I created to help you make the most of your prayer time.

Remember, God will grant you wisdom as you navigate various seasons in your life.

He will help you find peace in the waiting! ?


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