How to Live a Purposeful Life

 In Articles, Happy Life

Are you tired of being dissatisfied? Do you want to live a purposeful life?  Our culture is constantly telling us ways to be happier, more successful, and more satisfied with ourselves. Most of the time, their solutions leave us feeling empty—still wanting something else. Today, I want to give you the keys to live a purposeful life. 


It’s time to mute the culture.

Our culture tells us that more is the answer. Whether it’s more money, more vacations, more shoes, more friends, more… the list is endless. It’s easy to fall for the lie that says if we could just have something else, then we would be happier. 

Here’s the truth: The latest clothes won’t make you happier with your life. And a new pair of shoes won’t suddenly give you purpose! 

What the world says we should strive for doesn’t have a limit. There’s always more money, more stuff, new clothes, and new cabinets. When we do get these things, we only turn our attention to the next thing. It doesn’t leave us fulfilled or satisfied. There’s nothing wrong with having things as long as your identity is not in having them. If you get the latest styles, they can only satisfy you until the new line comes out next season. 


The only way to be truly satisfied is to walk out God’s plan.

So how do we make our lives worth something? If what the world has to offer is all temporary, what can we strive for that will actually satisfy us? 

God has an incredible plan for our lives that is uniquely tailored to the way He designed us. It makes sense that the One who created us would know what will make us happy. 

The plan God has for us is amazing! Satan strives to keep us from realizing God’s plan. Why? Because God’s plan gives us purpose in life. 

The Bible tells us that God is good! His plans for you are good and will give you purpose. And when you spend time seeking the Lord, He will lead you and reveal His plans to you. You don’t have to do this alone! But what do you do when you’ve started following God and slip up? 


Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.

Psalm 34:8 (NIV)


Satan’s lie: The world’s way is better. 

Satan will first attack your righteousness. He will tempt you with sin and attempt to steer you off course. He wants to convince you that the world is better. Once you enter the world, he says that you aren’t good enough for God’s plan. 

God has an incredible plan for your life. His ways are perfect, but the enemy wants you to believe otherwise. Satan’s goal is to convince you that God’s plan isn’t worth it. He lies to you and baits you with what the world has to offer. God’s plan is good, but it sometimes requires waiting. 

The world will offer instant gratification, but you will face the consequences later. And the consequences are not worth it! 


Satan’s lie: You’re not good enough anymore. 

Maybe you’ve slipped up on something small. Maybe it was a huge mistake. There is forgiveness in Christ! But Satan wants to condemn you. 

When you fall into sin, Satan will tell you that you are no longer worthy of God’s plan. It starts out with him offering a worldly lifestyle he makes appealing, then once you’ve sinned, he will use condemnation and shame in an attempt to keep you from Christ. The good news is there is no condemnation in Christ, and no sin is too great to separate you from God’s love! 

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. 

Romans 8:1-2 (NIV)


For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus or Lord.

Romans 8:38-39 (NIV) 


How to recognize Satan’s lies 

Satan’s lies will sound appealing. There’s a reason you fall for them! 

Don’t let the lies of the enemy hold you back from what God is calling you to accomplish. 

John 10:10 (NIV) says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” 

Satan’s intentions are to steal, kill, and destroy. It’s clearly laid out in John 10:10. But the plans God has for you are good! They will bring a fulfilling life. 

What is precious to God is not always precious to people. The world will not always value what He does. It’s important to be alert and align our values with what God says, not what our culture tells us. 

In order to recognize the lies of Satan, we need to first know the truth. If we have nothing to compare them to, how will we know they are false? The Word of God is full of truth. When we take time to read it, we see that God is good and wants to see His children happy. 

God wants you to have a life of joy and peace. He is ready to lead you through life just as He led those in the Bible. 

It’s time to live a purposeful life!  _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

God has a good plan for you! To learn more on this topic, get The Walls Are Down! What Are You Waiting For? HERE

To read more about how to have peace, click HERE.

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