How to Stop People Pleasing and Rediscover You

 In Articles, Growth, Happy Life

I love this quote from Elizabeth Parker that says, “The only thing wrong with trying to please everyone is that there’s always at least one person who will remain unhappy—you.” I want to focus on how to stop people pleasing and rediscover you.

I see so many people who are struggling because they let other people’s voices control their thoughts. This leads to fear of judgment and people pleasing, which are the very things that hold them back from knowing who they truly are and pursuing their true destinies!

Years ago, I was stuck in that same cycle.

That’s why I know for a fact that once you submit to this kind of “life,” eventually, you are lost and surrounded by people who don’t like you and who YOU don’t even like.

(Pssssst. The Bible tells us to love everyone, but not everyone will be your best friend or fit your personality type, and that’s okay!)

When you live to please others, you become tired and joyless. You just survive life, go through the motions, and you lose sight of God’s incredible vision!

It’s crazy, right?!

When you live to please God and pursue His purpose for your life, that’s when you experience real and lasting fulfillment and happiness.

Here are some of the habits I have instilled to help me stay on course and keep moving further into my assignment!

Tuning in to the Voice That Matters

When you stop putting time and energy into seeking God’s next steps in your assignment, you start losing the vision all together!

But when you allow time to hear God’s voice, He will direct you in the right way to go.

Matthew 6:33 tells us, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

Seeking God first is the key to succeeding in your purpose.

God took my husband, Gary, and me from complete destitution to a life we never could have imagined. He has blessed us in incredible ways and allowed us to be a blessing in so many people’s lives!

I don’t say that to brag… Gary and I are NOT THAT GOOD. We had to stay tuned to God’s voice even when people thought we were crazy. Friend, my point is that none of this could’ve happened if we had lived to please others!

It’s up to you to turn down the volume on the voices in the culture and to turn up the only voice that matters!

Having a Positive Attitude Packs a Powerful Punch

Success is not the result of one perfect day after the other. Life isn’t perfect. It’s how we react to situations that can make or break the day.

You get out of each day what you expect to get!

I’ve learned the best way to start each day is to expect and thank God for the wonderful things that are on the way.

Once you learn to react with positivity in any situation, your circumstances won’t have any power over you, and your spirit will flourish. ?

Proverbs 17:22 tells us, “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”

Another habit that helps set you up for daily success is making time for God’s Word. I always do this as soon as I get up in the morning.

Imagine your morning without coffee, or without brushing your teeth. ?‍♀️ We do a dozen tasks in the morning without even thinking about them. Why? Because caffeine gets us going. Because teeth need to be brushed.

Well, morning prayer should be as natural for you as your other morning tasks!

Prayer is what gives us the confidence to face the day and tackle our dreams, one day at a time.

Doing What You Can Do Today

I know sometimes the odds are stacked so high against you, you just want to cry. Some days it’s not about jumping 20 feet forward in your purpose. Some days it’s just about being the one who is still standing.

Today, you might feel like you are not getting anywhere, but I want to encourage you to trust that God is always preparing you for your next promotion.

H. Jackson Brown, Jr. once said, “The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.”

Do what is before you today with excellence as unto the Lord, and it will prepare you for promotion tomorrow!

Embrace the magnificent plan of God for your life, and boldly pursue a relationship with Him in the face of persecution.

Go HERE for my full YouTube teaching on moving past whatever is standing between you and your destiny!

God will grant you courage as you step out into your assignment. ?

I want to encourage you to keep swimming, and ask God to help you trade a people-pleasing mind-set for a confident and joyful spirit! God did it for me, and He can do it for you too! He wants you to be happy, to thrive in your purpose and passions, despite the sharks that are trying to intimidate you.

To learn more about how to successfully deal with difficult people, check out my newest book, Shark Proof: How to Deal with Difficult People! I learned this skill the long, hard way, but you don’t have to!

Go HERE to order your copy of Shark Proof today!
I know that this book is going to unlock the incredible principles that changed my life. I can’t wait for you to read it!

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