Letting Go of Fear and Embracing Hope

 In Articles, Growth, Happy Life

We’ve been counting down to Christmas by focusing on the 12 different emotions the holiday season can bring…

I want to encourage you, if you feel like you have a cloud hanging over your head this Christmas, take a few minutes and remind yourself of the hope you have in Christmas.

You can cast down your fears with the fact that you have a perfect Savior who made a better way for you. First John 4:18 (NIV) tells us There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.”

When you feel fearful, embrace God’s perfect love for you.

I want to give you tools to help you change an attitude of fear into a trusting heart. 

The Three Fear Factors of Christmas:


1. Loss of Control


I love Christmas music. I probably play it a little too much and a little too early. #sorrynotsorry.

Unfortunately, stress and worry also tend to creep in with the Christmas music, and then before you know it, those happy feelings turn into fears: fear of not finding the perfect gifts, worry about spending too much or not enough, anxiety about family drama, fear of judgment when you don’t produce perfection.

Don’t let your inner control freak get in the way of your joy this Christmas season!

Trying to control every outcome and walking in fear is not your destiny. God wants you to live a happy life, comforted by the truth that you are His child. Do not walk in fear when going through darkness because you are upheld by God’s righteous hand!

Go HERE for an amazing article about fear, write down any one of the Bible verses it lists for casting down fear, and put them somewhere you will see them.

Hey, what about making a Christmas ornament with one of these Bible verses?

Did someone say Pinterest?! Give me a minute…

  1. Go HERE to see this super cute idea I found. I am going to do this for my tree this year! You just take a Bible verse, or a few, type them out, print them, cut them into thin strips, and put them in an empty glass ornament, so you can see the words inside.

Cute. Easy. Affordable. Fun! 

The point is, if you choose to let fear control you, you find yourself tiptoeing through life like you are expecting horrible monsters to jump out of every dark corner—but God does not want you to walk through life holding your breath!

God’s Word and His Holy Spirit will overcome the battles that are raging in your mind.

Isaiah 41:10 (NIV) tells us, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”  

2. Fear of the Outcome

When you walk in fear, it is usually because you are not trusting the outcome.

Pray and ask God to remind you of the promises He made to you. They are before your eyes in His Word; take comfort in them. I have never seen God not deliver on a promise He made!

Philippians 4:19 (NIV) tells us, “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

This Christmas, make two lists: one list will be for the things that are within your control, and one list will be for the things that are beyond your control.

Choose one of the things that is on the “within my control” list, and write down something you can do about it today. If it is a bill, make a call for an extension. If it is being overcommitted this Christmas, RSVP “no” to one of your engagements. If you are worried about being financially overextended this Christmas, reach out to relatives and ask if you can do a Secret Santa exchange instead of buying gifts for everyone.

When you look at the other list, don’t worry about anything on it. Instead, ask God to help you with the things that are beyond your control.

3. Lack of Trust

Every time you find yourself worrying about the things from the “Out of my control” side, get into God’s Word and replace your fear with biblical truth.

Fear grows fast and furious, like a wildfire, which is why it is so important to catch it before it completely takes over your mind.

Often, when we think we are protecting ourselves by the shutting the door to bad things, we are really keeping out unexpected happy surprises. When you try to control the outcome, you are not letting God’s amazing plan for your life unfold.


Are you ready to get HAPPY? God has an incredible plan for your life, but it starts with discovering your joy in His presence. Embark on a journey toward a happier you today by ordering my new devotional, The Happy Life: Notes from God HERE!

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