Parenting is Not About Popularity

 In Articles, Happy Life, Marriage & Family

When the world tells you to conform, God tells you to stand up and stand out!

As a parent, I have come to realize that good parenting means you’re going to get pushback from your children occasionally. When you set a boundary, they will test it.

That’s okay! 

This is how they learn and grow. If children test a boundary and see that it is unbreakable, they stop testing it; however, if they test it and see it is weak, they will test it until it breaks.

If your children don’t see you follow through on your word, they will learn to manipulate the system.

Consistency is key.

You and your spouse need to stand your ground. You are your child’s first role model, and the key to accepting this position is making sure your actions support your words. Kids are smart.

If you are practicing a “do as I say and not as I do” plan, you will lose credibility and, ultimately, their respect.

Don’t forget that you have been given a divine authority over your children to guide them and teach them God’s Word.

Deuteronomy 11:18-19 tell us “Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up” (NIV).

God appointed you to look to His Word and make the tough calls that sometimes result in you being unpopular. Remember, creating boundaries doesn’t make you the bad guy; you are creating security and safety.

Sometimes I hear parents say, “My son isn’t talking to me” or “My daughter told me I’m ruining her life.” Don’t let your emotions get the best of you! Children say things in anger that they don’t mean. They are learning emotional regulation; bear with them.

Parenting is not a popularity contest.

Resist the desire to be popular, and pursue what you believe is the right path for your family.

I raised five children and it was hard work. Sometimes I had to escape to the bathroom to get a minute to myself, but I didn’t give up because I knew that my job was so important.

The parenting choices you make in their season of childhood will make a difference in the harvest they will reap in their season of adulthood.

Do you worry about what the culture is teaching your kids? Are you ready to uproot earthly teachings and instill God’s values? I want to help you engage in the battle!

Click on this link to request a copy of the A Lost Generation CD and Prayer Book. These resources will empower you to uproot the messages of culture and instill God’s Word in the hearts of your children. It’s time to stand in the gap for innocence and bring this Lost Generation back into the Kingdom!

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