The Flaunting of Evil: The 2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony

 In Articles, Drenda On Guard, Entertainment

The Olympic Games—the sporting event held every four years that brings almost every country in the world together to celebrate national pride, compete, and allow one another to enjoy festivities that don’t happen every other day— kicked off last week.

However, this year, rather than with thunderous applause and joy, the opening to the games was met with controversy and quite a lot of outcry. It was for good reason when you stop to look at the ceremony as a whole and the blasphemous scandal it was. Warriors, it’s time to add a new name to our prayer journals: the opening ceremony’s creative director was Thomas Jolly.

With the book of Revelation on full display in front of us, the Olympics kicked off with every nation’s athletes being led into the opening ceremony by what viewers would later describe as an “ominous horse of death.” As part of the Olympic opening ceremony, one of the acts included a Gendarmerie officer riding on a metal horse on the parade route along the Seine River. The horsewoman was wearing a cape printed with the flag of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

Such a display, if not already menacing in and of itself, becomes even more distressing when you take into account the well-known verse of Revelation 6:8 (KJV):

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

This was an interesting start to an event that only got stranger as the festivities continued, with a faceless, cloaked figure carrying a torch throughout the city, unable to be touched or tampered with.

The festivities continued on with a reportedly on “sensual and surly” video playing that progressed to the point of it being almost downright pornographic—until it thankfully ended with the shutting of a door in the video. But this was not even the most disturbing part!

The party then launched into what would be the “main attraction” of the night and to date one of the most controversial things to ever happen during any Olympic gathering ever.

Members of the LGBTQ+ community who identify as transgender, drag queens, and performers were arranged specifically behind a long table to recreate a visual of Leonardo da Vinci’s famous rendition of The Last Supper. Sitting at the center of the table was a woman with a halo on top of her head. On the center of the table, as if he were a dish to dine on, lay French actor and singer Philippe Katerine, painted blue with only his genitals covered in vines, to represent the Greek god Dionysus, the “god of celebration” known for pleasure, drunkenness, ecstasy, and overindulgence. The “disciples” were half naked men and women dressed in drag. There were even children mixed in!

Many were appalled by the display, though many have tried to argue that it wasn’t trying to depict The Last Supper. Many members of the LGBTQ+ community praised it for its openness and inclusivity, with some even going so far as to claim that it “saved the opening ceremony” on account of the heavy rain that plagued the area.

Many US lawmakers and conservatives, however, have raised public concern about the openly mocking display it made of the Christian faith. US House Representative Mike Johnson was not afraid to publicly voice on X, “ Last night’s mockery of The Last Supper was shocking and insulting to Christian people around the world who watched the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games….” He also went on to be quoted as referring to the display as a “war on our faith and traditional values,” which he says “knows no bounds today.”

After the initial complaints, organizers of the Olympics ceremony went on to publicly apologize before insisting that while they did exactly replicate the painting of The Last Supper, they meant it as a nod to Greek mythology, particularly the story of Dionysus, a story of disturbing and strange origin. Dionysus is said to have been “born” out of the thigh of Zeus when his mother died while she was pregnant with him. As an infant, he was put into the care of nymphs and satyrs, commonly known as entities of demonic nature in their respective stories. Also rumored to have been in a homosexual relationship with the male god Hermes, everywhere Dionysus went, wine and drunkenness followed, as well as frenzy and madness. Many people have continued to publicly denounce their carelessness and refusal to take responsibility as well as representing the story in such a way.

Warriors, many of us are aware of the fact we’re living in the end times, from biblical prophecies coming true, one after another, to natural disasters and the constant assault on Christianity.

Remember to maintain yourselves and your spiritual lives. Ask yourself these questions:

  • If Jesus came back today, would I be happy with the way I’ve been living?
  • When I’m brought up into the arms of the Lord, am I confident I’ll look around and see the people I love?
  • How can I reach out to them and impact their lives now to ensure that?

You may be the difference between someone meeting God or never having the opportunity again. Be ready and thinking of the future and of the people around you.

Stay prayed up, seek the Lord, repent, and stand strong against the powers of darkness!

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