Who Are You Devoted to?

 In Articles, Faith, Happy Life

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful” Colossians 4:2, (NIV).

No matter who you are or what your situation is, no one is immune to life’s struggles—but the more you have on your plate, the more important it is to devote yourself to prayer.

I know life gets busy, especially if you are raising children, caring for an elderly parent, or working a lot of hours. Here’s the thing. The busier you get, the more overwhelmed you will feel, and the more overwhelmed you feel, stress and anxiety can start to carry you away from your God-given joy and purpose.

Happiness returns when you make prayer your anchor in every season of life.

When you have a problem, issue, or task, do you pray first or do YOU take charge of the task at hand?

Before any major business endeavor, the owners of a company spend hours in meetings weighing their options, discussing plans, and running scenarios. Do you plan a meeting with God before making any major decisions?

Involve God at the ground level, and you will save yourself many headaches later on.

Proverbs 3:5-6 instruct us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

God wants you to succeed in life, but you have to step into His will; and you can’t do that without being devoted to prayer. Don’t let the desire to have a perfect prayer life keep you from having any prayer life at all!

God does not expect hours of perfect prayer from you.

You don’t have to be at home in your prayer closet and spend hours on your knees. God knows your life, and He is aware of all of your responsibilities. You can pray in the car on your way to work or when you’re picking up the kids. You can bow your head before you fall into bed after a long day and ask for God’s guidance.

Sometimes the best prayers are the prayers that feel imperfect, confused, and messy. God doesn’t seek perfect prayer; He only asks for honesty. He wants to meet you right where you are.

I encourage you to step into the shelter of God’s Word and to devote yourself to prayer. I know your life will change!

Prayer: God, don’t let my fear and anxiety carry me away from Your will. Grant me the resolve I need to step into prayer before I step into decisions. Amen.

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