3 Keys to Overcoming Discouragement

 In Articles, Happy Life

Follow God. Persevere. Don’t get distracted. We’ve heard this before, but how do you know what God’s plan for you is? How do you stay the course when you aren’t sure if you’re even on the right path? Today, I want to share with you three keys to overcoming discouragement and give you the keys to reach your destiny in Christ.


Seek approval in the right place.

We all want the approval of others. As humans, we love to feel needed and have a purpose. But when we are looking for approval from others, we are often left dissatisfied and unfulfilled. Others are focused on themselves too. They aren’t focused on making sure you feel validated and encouraged. Many people are focused on their own needs and desires.  

It’s okay to want approval from a family member, boss, or friend. But it’s problematic when our identities become based on it. 


Don’t try to please people! It will only leave you feeling empty. 


The one whose approval we need to be seeking is the one we already have. We need God’s approval, and guess what? He not only approves of you but also is incredibly proud of you. God doesn’t look at our weaknesses and downfalls through the same lens we do.

You’ll never be satisfied if you’re looking to please people. The truth is that no one knows the price you paid. People won’t always acknowledge the sacrifices you make, and you won’t always get the praise and approval you are seeking. But when you focus on serving the Lord and pleasing Him, your perspective will change. 

Our desire to please people is a selfish act. We want to please people so that we get recognition, approval, or acceptance. We please them to get something in return. 

When we choose to set our hearts on glorifying the Lord and pleasing Him, He fulfills us. He gives us our hearts’ desires. He helps us to feel “enough.”

There is nothing better than following the plan God has for you. Even though it makes sense, we often get distracted. He is the one who designed us, so wouldn’t He know what will be the best fit for us? God is a good Father, and He wants to see you thriving in life! Trust His plan!

Maybe you’re confused about what God has called you to, or maybe you don’t think His plan is good. Satan will try to confuse you. He wants you to think that God’s plan isn’t good. He will tell you the same lie he told Eve in the Garden, that God doesn’t know best. If you are confused or uncertain about what God has in store for you, I want to encourage you to get in the Word of God. Spend some time reading the Bible, and discover what God has to say about His children. You’ll soon discover the love He has for you is like none other! He loves you so much and wants what is best for you. 


Here are a few things God says about you in His Word: 


  • You can do all things through Christ. 
    • “I can do all this through him who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13, NIV). 
  • You are a new creation in Christ. 
    • “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here” (2 Corinthians 5:17, NIV)!
  • There is no condemnation in Jesus. 
    • “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1, NIV). 
  • The Lord will meet your needs. 
    • “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19, NIV).
  • You are more than a conqueror. 
    • “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us” (Romans 8:37, NIV).
  • You have the mind of Christ. 
    • “For, ‘who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct Him?’ But we have the mind of Christ” (2 Corinthians 2:16, NIV).
  • God’s plans for you are good. 
    • “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’” (Jeremiah 29:11, NIV).


Let God be the one who defines you. He will give you purpose in life! 


Watch who you hang around.

Have you ever heard the saying, “You will become like the five people you are closest to”? It’s true! You become like those you surround yourself with. Whether you realize it or not, you are being influenced by those you are with. 

Are you spending time with people who bring you closer to Christ? Are they encouraging you to walk out your destiny? Or are they keeping you complacent in life? These are essential questions to ask yourself, so you can evaluate who you spend your time with. 

God will lead you to the right people. He doesn’t want you to live life alone! There are many examples in Scripture of strong friendships—including David and Jonathan and Elizabeth and Mary. 

Samuel, the prophet, anointed David to be the future king while Saul was king. Jonathan was Saul’s son; he became good friends with David. Jonathan was loyal to David and acknowledged his anointing to be king. He stood by David when times were tough and encouraged him to stay on the path God had for him.

People will criticize what they don’t understand. Sometimes God’s plan isn’t the most straightforward and logical option. Don’t let the opinions of others discourage you from the journey God has planned for you. It’s okay to lose some friends if they are keeping you back from your destiny. Surrounding yourself with the right people is so important! 

We can’t always choose who we are surrounded by, but we can decide who our friends are. Time is precious! Don’t spend it with people who are discouraging you from your destiny. Surround yourself with people who are pursuing the Lord.  

If you are looking for a place to connect with women and build godly relationships, join The Happy Life Social app. Click HERE to sign up and be encouraged by godly women. 


Stay on your assignment.

People will come and go in life, but you need to stay with the vision God has for you. Don’t let people stop you from what God has called you to do. 

When you feel alone, choose to focus on the calling God has for you. Don’t let discouragement and disappointment hold you captive. There will be times when you feel alone! Nobody becomes successful without some wilderness experiences. Remember, God is always with you! 

David experienced wilderness experiences, but God remained with him. When Samuel arrived at Jesse’s house to anoint the next king, David’s family didn’t even consider him a viable option. He was out in the field working while his brothers were with Samuel. Samuel asked if there were any more sons, and they were shocked when David was the chosen one. Later on, Saul became so jealous of David’s success that he threw a spear at him. David had to retreat to the woods alone. 

You may not be in a physical wilderness, but you may be in a spiritual wilderness. Following God isn’t always easy. A wilderness doesn’t mean you missed God. The enemy is attacking you and trying to discourage you. Satan does not want to see you walking out your destiny! 


Don’t quit when things get hard. 


You’ll make mistakes along the way, but don’t let them stop you from fulfilling your destiny. Learn from your mistakes, and keep pursuing the Lord. 

God will send you the encouragement you need. He won’t abandon you! 

When David was in the wilderness, Jonathan strengthened and encouraged him. His friend played a critical role and demonstrates to us how important our friends are. We need people who will push us toward God and keep us on the right track. 

Keep your heart right. Saul exalted himself over God’s plan and lost everything. It’s not about your victory; it’s about God’s. Don’t let the wilderness become your permanent dwelling. Move on the calling God has for you. Keep pursuing Him. Surround yourself with the right people, and get encouraged. Trust God’s plan! He is ready to use you and has an amazing plan for your life! 




To learn more about overcoming discouragement, listen to Success Code Declassified: Who’s Going with You? HERE

To read more about discovering your purpose, read my How to Live a Purposeful Life blog HERE

Are you looking for a community of godly women? Join The Happy Life Social app HERE

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