3 Tips for Studying the Word of God

 In Articles, Growth, Happy Life

We live in a world of fast-paced, instant gratification. We’ve lost the critical ability to discern our wants from our needs. No matter how much time we spend on social media trying to “connect,” no matter how many material possessions we acquire, we thirst for something more.

We need real answers.

So often I hear people talk about wanting to study the Word of God more. They often find their busy schedules shortcut their time with God. You can go without water for a day, but eventually you’ll die of thirst. And unfortunately, many Christians are dying of spiritual thirst every single day. They’re dragging themselves through life with no passion, desire, or grace.

I want to encourage you to refocus your energy and step into God’s Word. Submit your thoughts to Him. God will renew your mind and help you ride those waves of circumstance with a smile on your face and peace in your heart. The key to discovering peace depends on your ability to see you and your life through God’s perspective.

Three Simple Steps for Making Spiritual Nourishment a Priority:

1. Scheduling time

Setting a date and time for your Bible study are essential. Most of us commit to social activities all of the time; doesn’t God deserve the same commitment? When you schedule a time, remember, you are making a date with God. Honor it! When you put it on your calendar, treat it like you would treat any other commitment. Tip: Try and do it at the same time each day. Routine is the foundation for success.

2. Creating a good study space

Most successful students have a designated work space, good lighting, and a quiet environment. These are very useful practices to implement in your Bible study.

  • Declutter your spiritual space. It is much easier to get studying done when you are not surrounded by mountains of paperwork, glasses, and knickknacks. If your Bible study area is starting to look too much like the floor of your teenager’s room, take a few minutes to tidy up so you won’t be as distracted.
  • Get creative! Put encouraging Bible verses on the wall that correspond to what you are going through.

3. Letting prayer guide you

Intention is everything. It’s important to know what you hope to get out of your Bible study time. Are you seeking greater biblical knowledge, insight for personal healing, or a more intimate relationship with God?

Pray about your intentions before you begin your Bible study and when you are finished. Before you begin, quiet your mind and ask God to guide you, teach you, and provide wisdom in those areas you are seeking.

Bible study is a private lesson with God. How awesome is that! Every day you open your Bible, you are closer to seeing God’s promises unfold in your life and discovering what God has called you to do.

Prayer: God, please grant me the will to get focused and organized, so I can get into Your Word daily. I know that when I read your words, when I speak them into my environment, amazing things happen. When I get “too busy” to be in Your presence, call to me and remind me of all of the blessings you have given me and how much you love to hear from me. Amen.

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