4 Ways to Be More Grateful and Thankful, Not Just During the Holidays

 In Articles, Growth, Happy Life

Have you had any rough days lately?

I’ve been there. From hiding out and crying in the only bathroom our 1800s farmhouse had when my five kids were little, to dealing with a hurt from someone in ministry, to feeling grieved by all that is wrong in our world, I’ve had my share of rough days.

But I also know with all my heart that negative thoughts will hold you back from your God-given identity.

God has a purpose and a plan specifically for you, but you can’t truly experience that unless you let go of any bad or negative attitudes or thoughts that are weighing you down. Your attitude is a choice. You can make the choice to be grateful in all things.

First Thessalonians 5:18 (NLT) reminds us, “Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” 

This verse is a command from God telling us to be thankful. Thankfulness is the antidote for negative thinking and depression. It is being FULL of THANKS to God for all He is and has done. Remember to purposefully be thankful when you start to feel bad. It works!

You may think you have nothing to be grateful or thankful for, but I promise you that you do. 

Start here:

1. Speak: Change your words.

The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. —Proverbs 18:21 (NIV)

Instead of speaking negative words, we need to be speaking words of LIFE. One of the most important things you can do to help yourself become more grateful is to speak it.

2. Think: Change your thoughts. 

We have so much to be grateful for every day, but it’s often easier to focus on the negative things. Our thoughts can either propel us forward or hold us back from the amazing lives God has for us. If we’re always thinking about things that are negative or toxic, there’s no way we’re moving forward. 

We have to retrain our mental habits. By focusing on everything we have been blessed with, we get off of the negatives, and then we can be happy. 

3. Count: Count your blessings. 

One great way to count your blessings is to start a gratitude journal! Each day, write at least one thing you are thankful for. Keeping a gratitude journal puts your focus on all the incredible things going on in your life and stops you from focusing on the negatives.

4. Show: Practice gratitude outwardly. 

Don’t let the enemy steal your joy. Believe what God says, and serve Him with gladness! Let others see the joy and the gratitude in your life!

Getting out there and serving in the Kingdom is a great way to have gratitude and be joyful. There is something about helping others and sharing kindness and God’s love that instantly improves our mood. 

When we focus on the good things we have been blessed with, there is no room in our minds for negativity. Every person’s happiness is ultimately their choice. Either we can be thankful for what we have or have a bad attitude about everything wrong. But negativity WILL keep you from all that God has for you. 

Sure, we all have bad days, but you don’t have to let your circumstances keep you from walking in the freedom and joy Jesus died to give you. I learned this the hard way, but you don’t have to! Use these four tips to start making some changes today, and start living the happy life God has for you.

P.S. – Remember, nobody and nothing can steal your joy unless YOU give them permission.

Are there people in your life who seem to be making an effort to steal your joy? Learn how to handle the “sharks” in your life and start living the joy-filled life God has for you when you read my Sharkproof: How to Deal with Difficult People book. Are there mental blocks you need to overcome? Do you struggle with thoughts of depression, discouragement, fear, or doubt? My Better Than You Think: Six Ways to Think Yourself to Success book is a tool that will help you renew your mind, replace toxic thoughts, and see your life from God’s perspective so you can live the happy life God has for you. Request your copy today!

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