Head Above Water: Having Faith in the Wake of Hurricane Harvey

 In Articles, Happy Life, Other

Seeing photos of Hurricane Harvey and its devastation left me in utter disbelief: husbands and wives slogging through thigh-high water carrying their children; houses ripped in half; semi-trucks turned over and submerged in water; and elderly women trapped in a nursing home, knitting in knee-deep green water, waiting for the storm to pass.

Words like destruction, devastation, and climate change quickly appeared on the front pages of newspapers. People writing about end times saturated the Internet blogs and websites. But there were others stories too: lines of anxious drivers, with boats hitched to their trucks, trying to get to Houston to help; and first responders working tirelessly to pull people from the flood waters and get them to shelter safely.

There are usually two responses to disaster: a doomsday mind-set, which is an earthly attitude, or a supernatural tenacity, which is an approach rooted in faith and trust in the Lord, despite circumstances.

But how do I remain faithful in the midst of disaster?

Be firm in God’s truth: He is an ever-present help in times of need. When tragedy enters, God enters with it. When something like Hurricane Harvey happens, the good men and women of our country rally for good and for righteousness.

In disaster, we learn how to be for each other. If that is not God working, I don’t know what is.

How can I help?

You can pray!
Lift up the people of Houston in prayer for months, even years, as they rebuild their city and their lives. Remember, we are in this for the long haul. Our empathy and love should not end when the reporters leave.

Donating is just as powerful as volunteering.
Consider donating to well-established relief organizations. There are responders who are on the ground in Houston providing shelter, food, and medical care. Help in any way you can to ensure the victims receive the provisions they need.

Be for each other.
Love each other and you are God’s living Word.

We believe God will bring healing to the people of Houston. Psalm 46:1-3 tell us “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging” (NIV).

We commit ourselves to always shine our lights of faith even in the darkest of storms.

Join us in supporting people who have been affected by Hurricane Harvey with relief and recovery. To find ways you can help, visit:

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