How to Turn an Angry Heart into a Forgiving Spirit

 In Articles, Growth, Happy Life

We’ve been counting down to Christmas by focusing on the 12 different emotions the holiday season can bring.

Between juggling holiday social commitments, taking care of Christmas tasks that seem never ending, and dealing with relatives who know just how to test your patience, frustration can quickly turn into ANGER.

I want to encourage you and give you the tools that will help you turn those feelings of frustration and anger into forgiveness…

so you can celebrate Christmas with a peaceful spirit and make the kind of memories that will last a lifetime!


Attitude Is Everything

When holiday stress and anxiety creep in, don’t let your frustrations run amuck. Instead, harness the power of positive thinking; this will help you keep your eyes on what is good in your life.

Negative thoughts can snowball out of control, so you have to make the choice to stop negative thoughts as soon as they start!

You can master the skill of positive thinking.

You just need to believe you can do this. God does! I encourage you to stand on God’s Word as you navigate the holiday season.

He wants to guide you in all the areas of your life.

He wants to help you refocus your mind-set.

You can think right!!

Each time you have a toxic thought, find a Bible verse to cast it down. Keep your eyes on God, and He will help you overcome your anxiety. He will bring you through the holiday season feeling refreshed and renewed!

Do this and you are one step closer to discovering a better you and a better life!

Go HERE for some power-packed Bible verses that you can use to cast down negative thinking.


Having a Joyful Heart When Dealing with Unbelievers

During the holidays, family dinners can quickly turn into religious landmines.

I want to encourage you, when you run into an uncomfortable situation, which is inevitable for many people during the holidays, resist the urge to be negative by following these four simple steps:

1. Trusting your gut. God will let you know which conversations will be fruitful and which ones will not. If you sense someone is not open to your faith, it’s okay to not engage. Everything has its proper season.

2. Being a light. Show your faith by your actions. Psalm 103:8 tells us, “The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love” (NIV). Christmas is about joy because we have a Savior who made eternal life an option. Don’t give the enemy a foothold; prevent anger from sprouting up by praying for unbelievers. If you have loved ones who are unbelievers, one of the best ways to love them is to hand them over to God.

3. Staying grounded. Take comfort in your Christian friendships. Keep in touch with the friends who ground you. Jesus ministered to unbelievers, but He kept His friends, His disciples, closest to Him. Your fellow believers have insights and wisdom; look to them for encouragement and advice, and, most importantly, prayer.

4. Being Grateful. Every time an uncomfortable situation arises, think about something for which you are grateful. The longer you think negative thoughts, the more powerful they become, so it is essential that you pull them up by their roots and that you do it right away!


How to Turn It Around and Get Some Perspective

Your words determine your world!

So…what kind of world are you creating?

If you find yourself feeling frustrated this Christmas season, take inventory of what is coming out of your mouth. Spoken words have a powerful influence over your life.

Take the time today to pause and speak kind encouraging words into your life and into the life of someone else. In giving to others, you will receive joy and peace. That small moment of kindness might be the thing that gets them through the day with hope.

Small acts of kindness can change the world.

Reach out to your church or local charities and ask what you can do this holiday season to give back.

Think about your gifts…

Do you like to bake? When you are baking cookies, make a few extra batches to donate to families in need.

Going on countless trips to the grocery store? Spend a few extra minutes in the canned foods aisle and put some things in your cart for local food drives. Instead of grabbing one can of green beans, grab three. 

Go HERE for more awesome, easy ideas for giving back this Christmas season.

It might not feel like you are doing much, but to the person receiving that food on Christmas day…

You made a difference.

You gave them something to be thankful for.

Remember, our greatest gift to others this Christmas doesn’t have a price tag.


Are you ready to get HAPPY? God has an incredible plan for your life, but it starts with discovering your joy in His presence. Embark on a journey toward a happier you today by ordering my weekly devotional, The Happy Life: Notes from God HERE!


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