Ready, Set, Run!

 In Articles, Growth, Happy Life

It is time for you to rise up.  

God has called for us to rise up. His glory is what causes us to rise above the situations, circumstances, problems, insecurities, and pressures that try to pull us down and hold us back. Are you ready to rise up and fight for the Kingdom of God? 


Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.

Isaiah 60:1 (NIV)


Think about a hot air balloon. In order for the balloon to go up, you need to put hot air in it. In order for you to rise, you need to put God’s truth over the opinions of the people around you. Those weights––insecurities, regret, discouragement, and lies––have to fall off. 


If you compare your life to that hot air balloon, would you be soaring high in the air and enjoying the view or would you be barely getting off the ground and feeling stuck in the basket? 


Just like the sandbags that weigh down the hot air balloon, the “sandbags” of life––pressures, behaviors, insecurities, and sins—keep us weighed down and stuck in the basket, barely rising off the ground, far from rising to reach our full potential in God. 


We accumulate those sandbags, and their weight cripples us. 


Maybe your sandbag is fear––that you’re too old or too young to do something, or that you’ll fail. Maybe it’s anger––toward a family member, a previous employer, or someone from your past. Or it may be regret, self-pity, shame, worry, bitterness, or a whole list of other things. 


I’ve battled so many things that weigh us all down and keep us from rising, and I know I’m not the only one. The enemy wants us to believe that we are the only one who is struggling, but the truth is that we all struggle. 


I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. 

John 16:33 (NIV)


It’s time for you to rise above the weights that try to pull you down because Jesus has overcome them! Don’t let your circumstances weigh you down and choke out the Word––rise and shine!  


What is holding you back from living the life God has for you?


I once knew an elderly lady who lived through the very tough times of the Great Depression. I would often see her wearing a pair of tattered gloves. Because I wanted to bless her, I bought her a new pair and took them to her.

Imagine my shock when she opened the gift then took me to her dresser and placed the gloves neatly in the drawer alongside SIX other pairs of brand-new gloves!

She couldn’t use or enjoy any of those lovely gloves because her mind was STUCK! Fear was weighing her down! It was holding her back from truly living!

What about you? Are behaviors, habits, and old patterns of thinking and acting holding you back and keeping you from being the best you can be and living the life God wants for you?


Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.

Hebrews 12:1 (NKJV) 


I want to encourage you––the Bible says lay aside every weight. It’s time for you to release the weights and take control of your life. 


Fix your eyes on Jesus and let them go! Philippians 4:13 says you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. 


There is potential in you to do something great. Bind those things that have held you down, and determine that you’re going to rise and shine!


Let Go of the Weights to Rise Above.


You may have people come into your life who try to discourage the dream God has put inside of you. I want to encourage you to place more value on what God says about you than what those around you say.  

When we experience pressure, we need to get into God’s presence. Jesus told us in John 8:12 (NIV) , “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” 

When someone feels like they are drowning, they try to save themselves by pulling down the other people around them. Persecution is a very real part of our Christian walk, but God assures us that He will be our light in the darkness. Remember, it’s not flesh and blood or people we’re dealing with––we’re dealing with Satan and his plan to keep us from our destinies!  


It is our job to stand against the darkness so that we can raise each other up. 


God wants us to honor one another in love and to be positive influences on the world around us. Your value is not about what you have or what you’ve done. God says you are valuable and loved, and nothing will change the love He has for you. Let go; throw off the weights of self-pity, anger, and unforgiveness. Today is the day to stop living in the past. Drop the regrets. Rise and shine because there is a bright future ahead! 

Are you ready to rise? God has an incredible plan for your life, but it starts with discovering your joy in His presence. Get ready to rise and shine this year HERE


To read more on making 2021 your best year yet, read my blog Making Changes in the New Year HERE.

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