Sure We Can! One Easy Way You Can Accomplish Remarkable Things – Part One

 In Articles, Growth, Happy Life

I’m from the south. In the south, we say “for sure.”

If someone asks, “Can you get that done?” we say, “For sure!”

When you look at the word “sure,” it really means assurance.

It really means faith.

Because faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence, the assurance of what we don’t see yet. Faith says, “For sure! Sure we can! We can take that on!” Faith knows that you and God are a team, and that together you can accomplish anything.

As a team, we follow God, and we follow a leader. God always uses a leader when He wants to get something done. He gives a God-ordained leader a mission. He doesn’t give a whole congregation a scattered vision so they can fight it out and try to figure out how to do it. That brings chaos and division and strife. You get nothing done that way.

Look at what happened with Moses. He went away for a little while. While he was gone, the people decided he was taking too long. They decided to form their own mission, and it resulted in the golden calf and a bunch of mess.

You can see throughout the Word of God how He gave a mission and a direction to a man or a woman, and they had followers, and together they accomplished something for God.

God gives a vision to a leader, and He wants to inspire others through that leader, but we choose what kind of followers we’re going to be. All of us are called to be great support ministers. We all have a specific gifting. We all have a destiny. If we don’t learn how to follow a leader, we will never get to where God has destined us to go. We have to be willing to come under a leader, even if we don’t fully understand the mission, or the perspective.

We can be ambitious, or we can follow a mission.

Ambition is self-motivated; it’s about what you can do on your own or what you can get out of something. Mission, on the other hand, is God-motivated and focused on others. Ambition just wants the credit and recognition. The mission cares more about the cause than about personal gain. Ambition is quitting if it doesn’t appear to be working out. Mission won’t let you quit.

Mission isn’t about me; it’s about the part I play in fulfilling the mission.

Serve the mission and serve God.

The Bible says God is a Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. There is reward in following God’s mission.

When Gary and I started our financial business, we started it because we knew what it was like to feel the pressure, to live under the pressure of debt. We wanted better for other people. But people actually laughed at the name of our company, and they laughed because we weren’t going to charge anything to help people. But as we kept with the mission, God began to prosper the company.

When something is on the inside of you and you know you’re called to it, you won’t quit.

Watch for Part Two of this post next week!

God doesn’t look at your life and see what you can accomplish on your own, but what you can accomplish with Him, and with a team.

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