The Secret to Discovering Your Passion

 In Articles, Growth, Happy Life

Over the years, I have heard so many people say, “I just don’t have a passion.” I am here to tell you: you certainly do; you just haven’t found it yet. I want to share with you the secret to discovering your passion that God has placed inside of you. 

God created you for a specific purpose, and your passions are clues as to how you can achieve that purpose!

That’s why I want to share a few personal stories and tips that have helped me and so many people find their true God-given passions.

P.S. – This is important! Pursuing your God-designed purpose is one of the biggest keys to experiencing true happiness.


Discovering Your Passion Requires Asking the Right Questions

When someone is having a hard time finding their passions, it’s always good to start asking “what if” questions. 

What if I didn’t have any financial obligations or limitations? What would I do with my time?

When you give yourself permission to dream about life without constraints, it helps you get to the heart of what really matters to you.

What is something I could spend hours learning about and not feel bored? 

I don’t know what books you love to read or what T.V. shows you like to watch, but I can tell you, they can be great clues about your God-given passions. 

For example, I love watching Hallmark movies, and that’s because I have a passion for happy love stories and traditional (G-rated) depictions of family life. Guess what? I teach these values whenever I speak at events and whenever I sit down to write a new book!

My interests indicate my passions! Take time to think about these questions and see what you come up with… 

This will lead you to discovering your passion.


Let Go of Perfection

So often we think, I like this, but I am just no good at it. We abandon our passions because we assume we need to be perfect at something for it to be a “real” passion.

The enemy is going to try and trip you up with self-doubt and negative self-talk. DO NOT LISTEN!  

When I was just starting to travel and speak at large events, I can’t tell you how many times I heard that annoying voice: You’re not qualified to be here; you are nobody. 

Here are two invaluable tips:

  1. Remember that you have the power of God’s Holy Spirit inside you! You have the authority to cast down those lies. Open your Bible and find verses to help you speak God’s Word when these negative thoughts come.
  2. Realize that you don’t have to be perfect in your passions. You just need to have a heart of obedience and trust that if God put you there, He put you there for a reason.


Avoid Chasing Fame 

Your goal should always be to honor God in everything you do. If your goal is just money or fame, that is not going to put you on God’s true path for you.

Years ago, I had all these grand visions for my life: travel to amazing places, be the host of my own T.V. show, speak and inspire people toward their best lives. When I really committed my life to God, I thought I would have to sacrifice those things.

Guess what? I didn’t! I AM the host of my own T.V. show, Drenda, which is viewed by millions of people! 

Trust that God gave you good dreams, dreams He wants to help you achieve.

Remember, sometimes we have passions that don’t turn into careers, but they lead us to amazing pursuits.

For example, maybe you love painting, but you are far from making it a career. That doesn’t mean that your passion doesn’t have a purpose. Number one, it brings you joy. Number two, that passion just might pave the way to something new… 

Maybe you start a nonprofit art school for children with special needs. 

Maybe you start your own business selling art supplies or doing painting for fun events. There are places that are doing this that are very successful!

Just expand your vision and you will see that your passions are important food for your soul and essential clues to your purpose.

Go HERE for some great Bible verses on knowing and holding strong to your purpose. 


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