Want an Amazing Life? You Need to Know This

 In Articles, Growth, Happy Life

So you want an amazing life?

You need to know this:

You can.

What’s stopping you?
What’s keeping you from having a great life?
…from living in peace?
…from being free?
…from taking a step toward your dreams?

Maybe you’re facing something terrible. But I want to encourage you—no matter what you’re up against, you don’t have to stop, settle, back down, or quit.

You CAN prosper and make your dreams a reality.

You CAN experience healing, happiness, and love.

You CAN win in life.

Sometimes the hardest choice in life is simply saying yes.

In baseball, when a batter steps up to the plate, he faces the risk of striking out as much as the success of hitting a home run. If you let the fear of striking out keep you from even stepping up to the plate, you’ll never have the opportunity to hit a home run, either.

You have to believe what God says about you—that you CAN do it.

Whenever I feel like I can’t handle a situation, or I can’t do something, I tell myself, “Sure I can.” I can do anything I need to do through Christ who strengthens me! (Philippians 4:13) YOU can do anything you need to do through Christ who strengthens you.

Jesus has already purchased the victory for you on the cross. It’s up to you to know the truth, to live the truth, and to enforce it when you’re in the battles.

Sure, you may fall down and skin your knee, or get some bumps and bruises, but He knows how to help you get back up, and mend the bruises, and He says, “You’re not going down. Make some adjustments and keep moving forward! You CAN do this. I believe in you.”

God created you for something special.

I’ll say it again:

You CAN prosper and make your dreams a reality.
You CAN experience healing, happiness, and love.
You CAN win in life.

It’s the truth; now you just have to believe it.

Because a change in your circumstances starts with a change in your thoughts.

We all come from some level of dysfunction and have gone through some messed up things, because we were raised in the earth curse system.

The problem occurs when we adapt to cope with negative situations in life and then we park there—stuck in a rut.

I’ve shared this story before, but I once knew an elderly lady who had lived through the very tough times of the Great Depression. When I would see her, she was often wearing an old pair of tattered gloves.

I wanted to bless her, so I bought her a new pair of gloves to replace the tattered pair.

She smiled when she opened my gift, then walked over to a dresser and placed the gloves neatly in a drawer.

I was shocked when I saw what else was in the drawer.

There lay the new pair of gloves I had purchased alongside six other pairs of BRAND-NEW gloves. SIX!

The woman couldn’t use or enjoy any of those lovely gloves because her mind was stuck. Her fear of not having enough had led her to hold onto nearly everything too tightly. She had developed a wrong pattern of thinking and acting that was holding her back in life.

Like that pair of gloves, God wants to give you good gifts.

Are you stuck? Are behaviors, habits, and old patterns of thinking and acting holding you back, keeping you from even stepping up to the plate, let alone hitting a home run?

It’s time to get rid of the baggage, be the best you can be, and live the life God wants for you.

There’s so much more I want to share with you about this! That’s why I’ve put together an incredible new resource for you called the You Can Series. It includes nine powerful teachings that will help you live your life with the freedom and confidence you’ve always wanted.

Click on this blog’s offer to request your copy of the You Can Series today.

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