Why You Have to Fight For Your Destiny

 In Articles, Growth, Happy Life

Have you ever felt pushback when you tried to step out and chase your dreams? ?

The enemy is going to try and come between you and your God-designed assignment. He doesn’t want you to succeed.

That’s because you have a dream and calling on you that is even bigger than you could IMAGINE right now.

When Gary and I were starting our church, the voices of doubt came from unexpected places, in the form of friends we thought were for us.

People don’t always know they are coming against God’s plan. They might think they are protecting you or just being “worried” for you.

“That sounds risky.”

“What if it doesn’t work out?”

“Are you sure you want to do this?”

See? These comments don’t seem horrible or mean; they sound reasonable in the culture. But God is not going to call you to do something reasonable. He is going to call you to do “impossible” things!

It’s up to YOU to hold tightly to what God called you to do. NO MATTER WHAT!

I want to give you a few helpful tips for believing in your calling, even when others don’t.


Keep Dreaming

One of the best things that my husband, Gary, and I do for our marriage is we make a point to keep dreaming together. Our willingness to dream depends on our trusting that God gave us those dreams for a reason!

God gave us a dream to start a church. Now our church has over 3,000 members!

God doesn’t want us to sit where we are and stay there. He is always trying to grow us, so we can do more for His Kingdom!

Have you stopped dreaming?

I want to encourage you to dream again. God calls us ALL to dream.

You are called to cast vision for your future. Take some time today to write down ✍️ your dreams. Pray over each one and ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom on your next steps.


Stop Living for the Approval of Other People

Are you a people pleaser?

Seeking people’s approval won’t bring joy—it will entrap you.

I should know! Long ago, I spent years feeling like I could NEVER be enough for people. No matter what I did, or how hard I tried, I just fell short.

I was constantly changing who I was to fit what I thought people wanted me to be.

One powerful truth brought me from a people-pleasing mind-set to total freedom.

That truth?

God’s approval is the only approval I need! ?

Don’t compromise your assignment because it doesn’t please other people. Your assignment is too important!

I have learned the bigger the dream, the more opposition it receives. When people come against your dream, and voice their doubt and disapproval, that’s O.K.!

You only need the approval of Jesus Christ. When you live to please Him, He will do amazing things in your life!


Trusting God’s Word

The ONLY thing that can stop you from living your best life is YOU! You might be taking a look at your circumstances and saying, “There is no way I can do that!”

Don’t settle because of circumstances. There isn’t one circumstance He didn’t anticipate! He has already made a way for you.

If you say yes to God and step out in obedience, you WILL see His promises come to pass every single time.

Do it afraid if you have to, but by all means, do what God said!

Deuteronomy 31:6 is one of my favorite verses! It says, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

If you don’t have any idea how to accomplish your assignment, ask! God will reveal the next steps in your assignment in His perfect timing.

You may not know how to do it, but God does!

Embrace the magnificent plan of God for your life, no matter what the opposition says.  

Press forward! Don’t give up! ?

Trust God and follow His leading every step of the way.

To learn more about how to successfully deal with people who try to come between you and your purpose, check out my newest book, Shark Proof: How to Deal with Difficult People.

I learned this skill the long, hard way, but you don’t have to!

Order your copy of Shark Proof today!

I know this book is going to unlock incredible principles that can change your life. I can’t wait for you to read it!

I am right here praying for you and cheering you on!

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