Hearing God’s Voice in Today’s Noisy World

 In Articles, Growth, Happy Life

I’ve been thinking about how noisy our world has become. Did you know over 50 billion text messages fly around the globe daily? Between endless notifications, social media feeds, and the general chaos of life, I’ve been struggling with a question that maybe you’ve asked too. How do we hear God’s voice through all this noise?

During my devotional, I kept coming back to John 10:27 where Jesus says, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me” (NIV). I sat with that verse for a while, realizing that hearing God isn’t some special gift for a chosen few. It’s literally what we were designed for.

The Things That Get in Our Way

A friend from my prayer group asked the same question many of us wrestle with: “How do I know if it’s really God speaking to me?” We talked about how the enemy uses three main tactics—distraction, confusion, and deception.

Remember that warning in 1 Peter 5:8 about the enemy prowling around like a roaring lion? “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (NIV). I’ve experienced that prowling firsthand, especially during seasons when my schedule gets overloaded. The busier I get, the harder it is to recognize that still, small voice.

There’s a verse in Mark that’s been challenging me. It talks about how “the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful” (Mark 4:19, NIV). That hits close to home! I’ve noticed that on mornings when I check email before spending time with God, my whole day feels off-center.

Learning from Others Who Listen Well

I had the opportunity to spend a weekend with several mentors at a leadership retreat. Something that struck me was watching one particular teacher’s morning routine. Every single day—even during the retreat—he spent two solid hours in prayer and Bible study before joining any activities.

I’ll be honest, it convicted me deeply. I came home and had to ask myself some hard questions about my own priorities. Am I truly setting aside undistracted time to hear from God? Or am I just fitting Him into the cracks of my busy schedule?

That People-Pleasing Problem

During a particularly difficult decision about whether to take on a new ministry opportunity, I found myself paralyzed with concern about what others would think. While praying, Galatians 1:10 (NIV) practically jumped off the page: “Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.”

That verse became a turning point for me. I realized that my people-pleasing tendency was actually silencing God’s direction. Maybe for you the hindrance is different—perhaps it’s fear, lingering doubt from past disappointments, or simply the habit of self-reliance. Whatever it is, I believe God is calling each of us higher.

A Personal Moment of Truth

I’ll never forget an encounter I had with a well-respected minister at a conference. During a moment of prayer, he looked directly at me and said something I wasn’t expecting: “Stop choking on the Word of God! Stop limiting what He wants to do in your life!”

Those words pierced straight through my polite Christian veneer. On the flight home, I journaled about all the ways I’d been putting limits on what God could do—through subtle doubts, through holding on to old offenses, and through fear disguised as humility.

Moving Forward

I believe this is a season of divine appointments. I’ve watched a dear friend receive an unexpected job offer that perfectly aligned with the vision God had given her. The timing, the provision, the open doors—it all came together in a way that could only be God’s orchestration.

What’s holding you back from receiving what God has for you? I’ve found that His voice consistently leads toward peace, victory, and provision—never toward anxiety, defeat, or lack.

You were created with purpose. There’s something unique you carry—a calling, a gift, a perspective that this world needs. Don’t let the noise drown out the voice that will lead you there.

If you’ve been struggling to hear God speaking, I encourage you: Turn down the volume on everything else. Press into His presence with expectation. Trust that He is already speaking. He’s just waiting for you to tune in.

Let’s pray together:

Father, I lift up my friend reading these words right now. Remove every distraction, fear, and doubt that’s keeping them from hearing Your voice clearly. Thank You that You’re not silent. You’re speaking wisdom, direction, and love into their life right now. Help them recognize Your voice and follow with confidence, even when the path isn’t completely clear. In Jesus’s name, we pray. Amen.

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