How Big Is Your But?

 In Articles, Growth, Happy Life

How big is your but?

Okay, no, I’m not talking about the size of your derriere. 😂

That’s “but” spelled B-U-T.

“But, God, I can’t.” 

“But, God, I don’t know how to do that….”

If you aren’t careful, your BUT can really get in the way of your dreams! 

How Big Is Your But in Responding to God’s Call?

If you try, you can find a million excuses why you can’t obey God. How about a reason why you can? Or why you should? In fact, the Bible says there is no question of “can” or “can’t.”

“What do you mean, ‘If I can’?” Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a person believes” (Mark 9:23, NLT).

Stop letting the question of “Can I?” hold you back and cripple you with doubt. You have to get your BUT out of the way!

Dennis and Nancy’s story is a great illustration of what can happen when we let go of our doubts, our failures, and our excuses.

Dennis and his wife, Nancy, had three beautiful boys: six-year-old twins, Brock and Brayden, and four-year-old Bryce. They wanted to have one more child—a little girl.

They were so excited when Nancy got pregnant, but soon after, she miscarried.

She miscarried three more times after that, for a total of four miscarriages in a two-year span. Each time they felt like their faith failed and it became harder to get back up and try again.

Doctors couldn’t figure out why this was happening. Dennis and Nancy prayed and asked God to reveal what was causing the problem. God showed them two specific things that they needed to deal with, one of which was unforgiveness.

They forgave people in their past and decided to step out in faith again because they knew that what God said was all of the evidence they needed. Nancy approached me, and we came into agreement that she would never miscarry again. 

Shortly after, Nancy got pregnant again.

She had signs of a miscarriage early on in the pregnancy, but this time she refused to speak a single word of doubt or fear over the baby—and at full-term, she gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl!

At the same time, Dennis and Nancy were standing in faith for their baby girl, they were also having difficulties in their finances. They had struggled financially for the entire duration of their marriage. They decided if these principles worked for a baby, they could also work for their finances!

Dennis had been managing a small store of 11 employees at that time. That same business had two locations, and he was managing the smaller one. The general manager of the larger store decided to resign, and Dennis was one of three candidates to interview for that job. 

He was unanimously chosen for the promotion!

He now oversees 160 employees and his income has doubled!

I told you Dennis and Nancy’s story for a very specific reason. You see, Dennis and Nancy could have made excuses. They could have said it didn’t work before, so there’s no point in trying again. But they didn’t, and the choice to ignore those excuses and let go of their doubt radically changed their lives!

So, let me ask you…

What But God is keeping you from writing your success story?

Too many times as believers we ask ourselves, “What is it going to cost me? What price am I going to pay?” Before we know it, we’ve renewed our minds and talked ourselves out of being bold and courageous.

Your excuses and mental boundaries will hold you back from what God has for you. “But God, I can’t do that. But God, that’s impossible. But God, it didn’t work before.” Make the choice today to get your BUT out of the way!

For more tools on letting go of doubt and disappointment, I would strongly encourage you to check out my book, Better Than You Think: Six Ways to Think Your Way to Success. It is an awesome resource for renewing your mind! 


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