How to Live the Life of Your Dreams

 In Articles, Growth, Happy Life

Going through a difficult season of life? Feeling like your dreams have set sail without you aboard? I want to give you tips on how to live the life of your dreams! 

George Eliot once said, “It’s never too late to be what you might have been.”

Well, I 100% agree! I want to do all I can do to help you breathe life into forgotten dreams.

God gave you dreams because He wants to help you walk them out! But so often, we get stuck in a cycle of negative thinking and we go off course and far away from the life God created for us.

Here are a few tips to dusting off those dreams and seizing your best, happiest life…


How to Live the Life of Your Dreams 

Give yourself the freedom to dream with God, and then write your future on paper!

We give power to our dreams when we write them down. 🤗 When you have a goal in sight, you can better prioritize your time! Here are four keys to setting and achieving your dreams and goals:

1️⃣ Specify what it is that you want.

2️⃣ Write your dreams and goals down.

3️⃣ Make sure that your actions are leading you in the direction of your goals, and if not, adjust them accordingly.

4️⃣ And finally, by faith, thank God that you will see your dreams come to pass! 


How to Believe for Better

Have you ever felt pushback when you tried to step out and chase your dreams? 🤔 

The Bible says not to be surprised when persecution comes. The world hated Jesus, and HE was perfect! Stand firm until the end. 

Persecution is designed by the enemy to convince you to shy away from the blessing of God, but don’t do it! Embrace the magnificent plan of God for your life, and boldly pursue a relationship with Him in the face of obstacles. 

You have a dream and calling on you that is even bigger than you could ask, think, or IMAGINE right now. 

Press forward! Don’t give up! Trust God and follow His leading every step of the way. 


When Things Don’t Go According to Plan

Things might not always unfold the way you think, but don’t lose heart.

Don’t get stuck thinking about the negative things in your life—everything isn’t going the way you think it should go. Choose joy by looking at God’s Word and setting your mind on His wonderful promises to you. 

It may not feel like you are getting anywhere, but God is always preparing us for greater things! God will shatter those chains of doubt and negativity and speak truth into your heart. 

God is in control. He loves you. He is for you, and He’s got this! 🙌 

I encourage you to stick with the vision God has given you! Don’t give up on it! Pay the price for what God is calling you to do. Your vision has to be bigger than the price you are paying to get there. 

God has called you to something, and you have to trust Him to see you through! 

He is cheering you on, and so am I! 


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