You Are Made for Victory!

 In Articles, Growth, Happy Life

This year’s Happy Life Women’s Conference was absolutely incredible! 🌟 

I want to thank all the wonderful women who attended. This conference would not have been the same without you, whether you joined us in person or online. All three days were full of amazing worship, dynamic speakers, and Holy Spirit encounters! It was truly amazing! 

I am so thankful for all of the feedback we have received! I am happy that this conference blessed you as much as it blessed me. 

We received this testimony from an attendee: 

“I couldn’t be happier with my experience at the conference. Thank you all so very much for all the information and outpouring of love and acceptance. I had my first experience with speaking in tongues. What an amazing gift. Thank you again! ❤️” 


You Are Made for Victory 

On Thursday night, Cathy Duplantis kicked us off with a powerful start! It was an honor and a privilege to host Cathy Duplantis as this year’s guest speaker. Cathy shared a dynamic message titled, You Are Made for Victory. She walked us through the story of a Shunammite woman who was available to serve Elisha, the prophet in 2 Kings 4. Because this woman was available and willing to serve God when the opportunity arose, she was blessed. 

“When you do something good for God, He wants to do something good for you” 

—Cathy Duplantis 

Cathy explained that when we are serving God and bringing Him glory, He wants to bless us in return as a parent wants to bless their children! Following God is meant to be a good and fulfilling life, not one of suffering. 


A Divine Turnaround 

Friday afternoon, Cathy talked about A Divine Turnaround. She walked us through the turnaround God had for the Israelites in Deuteronomy. 

The three steps the Israelites needed to take were: 

  1. Acknowledge the problem. 
  2. Change direction. 
  3. Stay on course.

These are the same three steps we need to follow in our lives to follow God! First, we must acknowledge that we are sinners and we need Jesus’s help. Second, we need to change direction, and we do so by accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior. And third, we need to stay on course. Even when we get off track, God will show us grace and help us get refocused on His call for our lives! 


Hey, Queen! God Is Bringing You From Captivity to the Crown

On Friday morning, my daughter Amy Freudiger shared with us the story of Esther and how we, too, are called to be queens in the Kingdom of God in her session, Hey, Queen! God Is Bringing You From Captivity to the Crown. We are not called to sit around but to rule, as queens do, for the Kingdom of God. We have been given authority as citizens in God’s Kingdom, and it’s time for us to use it! 

Esther sought wisdom while waiting to see if she would be selected as queen. At the time, she did not know why she was in this situation. But after she became queen, she had won favor with the King and saved the Jewish people from Haman’s plots. 

“God is going to locate you strategically and on time.” 

—Amy Freudiger 

We were encouraged that just as God strategically placed Esther in her situation, He will place us in situations to speak up for righteousness and make a change. As long as we are willing, God will use us for His glory.


Resting Beach Face 

We started Saturday morning off with a good laugh when my daughters Kirsten McKinney and Polly Patton led their session, Resting Beach Face. They shared how to have a vacation mindset and a better life through hilarious beach puns, including, “sun of a beach,” “embrace the sea-sun,” and “if there’s a will, there’s a wave”! 

We all laughed (and got a great ab workout) to start off our morning. Boy, is laughter a good thing! 


Overcoming Together 

I was blessed to share with you what God placed on my heart Friday evening and Saturday afternoon. I shared on Overcoming Together and dove deeper into many topics discussed in my latest book release, Nasty Gets Us Nowhere: Women & Men Succeeding Together. 

We dove deep into cultural topics like abortion, the feminist movement, and marriage and discussed what the Bible has to say about them. Satan wants us to believe that separation from men is the answer and that giving us the freedom to choose what happens to our bodies is what will bring us true freedom and happiness. But this isn’t true! As believers, it’s time for us to call out the lies of the enemy and stand up for righteousness. The church needs to stand up and demonstrate that true freedom is found in following Christ! Being nasty with each other won’t get us anywhere, but it’s time for us to get nasty with the enemy! 

“The culture has painted a picture of what women are supposed to be like, and unfortunately, the church has followed the culture.” 

The church needs to stand up and demonstrate that true freedom is found in following Christ! Being nasty with each other won’t get us anywhere, but it’s time for us to get nasty with the enemy! 


It’s Time to Stand Up! 

Satan is trying to influence our culture for evil, but we don’t have to go along with his schemes! It’s time for us as believers to stand up for what’s right in culture and call out the darkness. Stop sitting around passively and letting our culture define what is right and wrong. We need to get in the Word of God to recognize what is good and call out what is evil. Let’s use our voices for God’s Kingdom! 

We closed out the 2020 Happy Life Women’s Conference praying over our nation and its leaders. I had the privilege of praying alongside other godly women who share my heart for our great country. Thank you all for stepping up and covering our nation in prayer. And I want to encourage you to continue praying for our nation and its leaders. 


Join the Happy Life 

This year’s Happy Life Conference attendees were given the opportunity to join the Happy Life Platform, and I want you to join as well! The Happy Life is an online social platform where you can experience community through Happy Life Groups with other women, learn from the Happy Life Curriculum, and connect with the exclusive Happy Life Social App! 

Women all around the world are connecting through the Happy Life Platform. Plus, I will be giving live teachings through the Happy Life Social App that you won’t want to miss! The Happy Life Social is a social media platform without the fear of being censored or mocked for sharing your faith! You can post about your day, share a Bible verse that encouraged you, or even post a picture of that yummy dessert you ordered at dinner! 

You can also get connected through online Happy Life Groups. It doesn’t matter where in the world you live; you can still get connected and learn through the Happy Life Curriculum alongside other women. Life was not meant to be done alone, and having godly friends is so important!

Check out my new updated and improved Happy Life Program!

You can learn more here: www.happy life

This year’s Happy Life Women’s Conference was absolutely incredible, and I hope you’ll join me next year for the 2021 Happy Life Conference! 


This was my first time at the conference, and I had such a wonderful time. I loved being drenched in God’s message through all the amazing ladies who spoke and prayed over us. I will definitely be back next year.” 



I’m excited to see those of you who return next year, and I hope you’ll bring some friends to experience The Happy Life God has for them as well! 😊 

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